🌧️ Rainy Tuesdays 🌧️

940 16 4

Ship(s): Drailey (Drew x Hailey)

Genre: Angst/Fluff


On this Tuesday afternoon, heavy droplets of rain descended from the sky, pattering and splashing against three big glass windows of a magenta-haired boy's bigger than need be room. Inside this room, Drew and Hailey sat together on a cushioned chair, sleepily cuddling in one another's arms.

"How much time do we have left?" Hailey tiredly asked, having become adjusted to the position.

Keeping his eyes closed, Drew replied, "My parents should be home in around fifteen minutes or so."

Drew and Hailey had been dating for around two to three weeks by now, so their relationship was still fairly new. And right now they were trying to keep it hidden from Drew's parents. They were already extremely displeased when they heard that Drew broke up with Zoey, and the boy just wasn't quite ready yet to tell his parents he was dating someone else. It wasn't like the relationship was too serious yet anyway.

"So..." Hailey drew out, trying to transition the conversation, "Where are you on talking to him?"

Hearing the question, Drew grumbled and looked away. "Can't you just talk to him for me?"

"I have, Drew! He doesn't believe it when it's from me," Hailey explained. The musician then took her hand, bringing it up to Drew's face, turning his head towards her so they were making eye contact again. Softly, she pleaded, "If Zander is ever going to forgive you then you actually need to apologize to him." It was no secret that when it came to teasing and ridicule, that out of everyone in the club, Zander got the worst of it. And ever since the pianist learned that his step-sister was dating one of the people who had caused him hurt throughout the years, there was an unbearable tension between the two in the Wickham-Austin household. "You've apologized to me hundreds of times," Hailey further explained, "It wouldn't kill you to say sorry to him at least once."

"It's not like I still pick on him," Drew reasoned, "And I've gotten Henry and Liam to stop too." Taking a pause, Drew let out an annoyed sigh, before shifting the conversation's topic, "Look, we have limited time before my parents get back," Drew elucidated. He then softly took a hand to Hailey's cheek, caressing it. "Can't we just spend it hanging out with one another rather than talking about this?"

Getting lost in Drew's dark umber brown eyes, Hailey gaped, "I would love to just hang out," cutting herself from the thought, she continued, "But he's my brother, Drew. We need to talk about this."

Drew huffed, "Aren't you guys just step-siblings?"

"Well, yeah, technically," Hailey answered, "But we still grew up together. I know it's not like this for all step-siblings, but I do think of him as my brother. And I'd really like it if you took the time to apologize to him. I want you two to get along. And you have a good heart, Drew. I think he'd warm up to you if you put in some effort." A faint blush covered Drew's cheeks, but he just mumbled, looking away again. "Fine then," Hailey scoffed, "I'll just leave."

"Wait, Hailey-"

Getting up from the chair, Hailey argued, "This is important to me, Drew. Instead maybe take your fifteen minutes away from your parents to try to realize that." Without another word, Hailey stormed out from Drew's room, not bothering to look back. Out of Drew's room, she went into the grand halls of his parent's overly extravagant house, and out through the front door to the soaking front yard. Rain harshly poured down on top of Hailey, crashing into her head. She never would have guessed it was raining this hard from what she saw inside. "Crap," she cursed, annoyed she hadn't brought anything to protect her. In substitute, she pulled the hood of her pink sweatshirt up and over her head, but due to the clothing's cloth material, it just got soaked as well, and really did nothing for the girl's protection. She held her hand forward and up to her forehead, trying to create a small shield for her eyes to help her see better, but the rain was so thick that the world to her just looked like sleek streaks of dull blues and greys.


Hearing her name called, the aqua-haired girl turned around to see Drew standing far out in the front yard, holding a small red umbrella over his head.

"What do you want?!" Hailey shouted, using a high volume due to both her anger and the rain's crashing loud sounds.

"I'm sorry! You're right!" Drew apologized, matching Hailey's volume so he could be heard, "Zander is an important part of your life! I'll try talking to him!"


"Yes, I will! Now come here! You're getting soaked, you dork!"

Speedily walking towards Drew, Hailey laughed, "You're the dork."

Now under the umbrella, gaining some protection, Hailey smiled, now allowing herself to get lost in the brown eyes before her. Placing her hand on Drew's shoulder, she lightly pulled him forward, placing a small kiss on his lips.

"Do you want me to get a driver to take you home?" Drew offered.

Hailey couldn't help but allow a few soft chuckles to escape her mouth. She just wasn't used to hearing things so casually such as a driver taking her home. "If it isn't too much trouble..." she replied.

"It isn't."

"Maybe first, we could take those fifteen minutes together?" Hailey asked, now not wanting to miss out on the time.

"I think it may be more like fourteen minutes now," Drew somewhat pettily scoffed.

"Fine then," Hailey concurred, "What do you think about taking fourteen minutes together?"

"I'd love that," Drew answered, leaning forward, lightly kissing Hailey's forehead. Hailey happily grinned, taking Drew's free hand in hers. Together they then walked off, out of the rain, and into a house, to enjoy this small bit of a Tuesday afternoon they had left in one another's company.


Okay, this is the last reupload.  Now you guys are gonna have to wait until I write something new XD

I'll probably try to do a request next, but I also have two angst one-shot ideas, one Drake centered, and one Jander/Lander centered, so we'll just see where inspiration goes.  Right now my main focus is getting chapter six of A Lantern's Light done anyway, so it could be a bit before I write a one-shot at all.

But yeah, I hope you liked the Drailey 👌🏻 I'm kind of neutral on this ship, but I still enjoyed writing this.

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