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Heyyy! Wazzup everybaaady?

Meh friends call me BRI, short for Sabriyyah

I'm 16, going on 17

Girl btw.. If that isn't clear enough

I'm not from the US. In case u were wondering.

Length: 1.60 something. Pretty short for my age

Ethnicity: Javanese + Hindustani + (a teeny tiny) Arabic

Brown hair, brown eyes

The pic above is me (on the left) ft. my lill sis, Sofiyyah.

I'm a real screen addict. anime, gaming, TV, YouTube are my life! *_*

Really not girlfriend material.. x[

My favorite color is blood red, but a little darker..

I'm a nice person (I mean i think I am).. So don't hesitate to talk to me. I'd love to hear your story. I don't mind people talking about their problems, cuz I can learn from their mistakes.

I Do Not Judge.

•Get bored a lot u_u

•I make almost everything a challenge for myself.

•I study either really early in the morning or late at night.

•I walk funny on high heels x]

Allergies: none

ADHD, tho.

I like everybody, no matter size, age or color. Mean people too. (As long as u don't go too far)

disturb me when I'm watching TV or anime. I will hate u!

Habit of licking my lips... ^3^ LOL..

I care a lot bout strangers, dunno y.. Sometimes I even cry when something bad happens to a stranger. :$

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