Growing up

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I was born in 1998 in Paramaribo, Suriname (south America) so I speak Dutch. Then came my sisters in 1999 & 2000. People say we look like triplets.. My my parents "took a year off" and then came my baby brother. The Dooche landed on earth in 2002. In 2004 we went to Indonesia and stayed there for 4 1/2 years (my dad got a scolarship)

In Indonesia I've experienced a lot of cool stuff, like earthquakes, I saw lava, I met awesome people, tasted really good food. So I speak Indonesian too. I remember being woken up by a noise. I opened my eyes and the house was shaking, stuff were falling. My parents came running in the room where me and my siblings were sleeping. They saw that I was awake so they woke up the others and told me to get out of the house. We ran to the streets and I saw my neighbors on the streets too. When it stopped we had to go to school where we were training what to do when it happens again. I wasn't scared. I was just 8 or 9. It was pretty cool! A few days (I think a few weeks) after the earthquake there was one of the biggest Tsunamis (in aceh, Indonesia). They said it would destroy Jogjakarta (that's where I lived), but it didn't. Thank God!

After Indonesia my dad went to Canada first. I don't really know what for, but we went after. We stayed there for ± 1 yr. On our way to Canada my mom had some sort of pain in her head. She said it felt like all her blood was rising to her head and her head was gonna explode! She had to go to the hospital in Thailand. We stayed there for a weak or so... :/  Turned out my mom's ear was just bleeding cuz of the pressure in the plane. We stayed at an apartment which was not far from the hospital. My mom slept on the couch and me and my siblings on the beds. Luckily my father has friends there so we survived. We ate all kinds of flavored ramen during the day.. And with "all kinds of" I mean DISGUSTING kinds! At night my dad's friends brought us to restaurants. Ammaar was pizza crazy so everytime they asked "what do u guys wanna eat today?" Before we could even process what he had said, Ammaar said "PIZZAAAAAAA!!!" . That was everyday.. >_< HAHAHAH . I remember sofiyyah ( my sis) running and bumping into a glass door! She thought it was open. She fell. It was SSSSOOOO funny!!!!!! xD

All that ended soon enough and we were reunited with my dad in Canada. Phew.. That's where I built my first snowman! It was so funny! xP it had a butter container hat.. LoL. I could see it from the apartment we were staying in. A saw a dog barking at it xP

After that 1 year, we flew back to Suriname and I'm still here. It's almost 6 years now.. Miss Indonesia and Canada :'(

BUUUUT... I've met awesome people I never thought I'd know Like ZaidMarjanom DeanXOXO, Rianiee_ , Sigourjade

That's pretty much how I grew up..

PS. The pic is my school here in Suriname

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