My love story

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So before I came back to Suriname I hadn't fallen in love with anyone. But in suriname... xP

I was crushing on someone, but I don't think he knew me then :/. So a few months passed and I was still in love. I wasn't allowed tot have a facebook account, but I made one anyway (little rebel)

;P. I got to know the dude and we became good friends and he had been supporting me a lot

On facebook i "met" an Emo guy. We bacame really close and we used to chat day and night!

One day he said: "i have feeling for you.. Pls be my gf"

I'm my head I was like: WTF??! ME?????! WTF?!!!

I told him: "hmmm myeah.. Sure!"

Cuz.. Y not? YOLO, right?! ;D

He sent me a song by jason mraz; lucky. I wasn't in love with him, but I fell in love with him during our relationship.... And when I was really madly in love with him he ... Cheated on me. He broke up.

He said: "people are talking about us. They're saying that we shouldn't be together. I think its better if we don't...."

I was heartbroken but I just said: "Kay" cuz.. U know no need to cry.. I was the one who said "hmmm myeah.. Sure!". So yeah..

I see him now and then. And his gf too.. U should see her face when she sees me! One time I almost told her: "Why are u so frightened? I don't bite, u know.." I would've said it with an evil develish look! LOL!!! >xD

So ummm.. He was my first and my only one (till now). Should I put a pic of him? Pls comment ur answer. I am crushing on someone right now, but we're probably never gonna be together, cuz.. I mean.. Y would we, right? that's why  they're called "chrushes".

That's that so.. BWAII!!

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