My genes

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I have brown eyes and hair.. wanna dye it tho xD

There runs an inheritance disease in my family from both my mom's and my dad's side, which are blindness (my dad's side of the family) and cancer ( my mom's side of the family. So I'm pretty unlucky. My grandma (mom's mom) died of breast cancer and my grandpa (dad's dad) was blind :/

I never knew my mother's mom, but i knew my father's dad. my grandma died when my mom was 13/15 .. forgot :D My grandpa died when we were in Indonesia.

My Face

Bcuz i look 12, I get underestimated a lot! which sucks btw.. buuut all things have their benefits ~(//ᴗ^)~ When they say "I bet u can't.." or "I dare you to..", they'll have to think twice!

I think this is all.

BYE! <3

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