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Yet again, I had the same dream last night. I was exhausted and the argument with mom wasn't helping. I woke up with a headache.

They won't let me see him again...

The thought of not being able to see Namjoon made me sad. Maybe I did like him after all. Or was I just worried about him? Whatever it was, it made me sad.

"Y/n you're gonna be late!" A call came from downstairs. I was still mad at her. She really was being selfish. So I went down but didn't speak a word to her. We had breakfast in silence as well. I knew she wasn't going to let me get back to Namjoon no matter what.

"You'll stick with me today. And you can have your lunch with your friends from now on, like you were supposed to." She said packing her stuff. I didn't reply. I did have lunch with Mrs Lu because we never knew when Namjoon would need us. So I didn't get the chance to eat and enjoy with my friends. But I never needed that luxury anyway. I was happy with Namjoon.

The whole drive was silent. Only the noise of traffic outside was heard.

As we waited for the red light to turn green, she finally decided to raise the conversation I had been avoiding. "You don't have to worry about Namjoon. We'll take care of him. He's in good hands."

I remained silent. I could see the frustration growing on her face as well as her voice.

"Y/n, if I tell you this you wouldn't believe me anyway. So stop being stubborn!" She scolded. I looked at her confused.

"What is it that I won't believe?"

"That Namjoon was the person who killed his parents. And he needs medical help!" She exclaimed. "Whatever he told you was just a lie to gain your sympathy."

I didn't say anything after that. Of course I didn't believe her. The boy himself doesn't even know the whole story. He doesn't even know that a gun was involved in the incident. And mom was asking me to believe her.

How could I?

When we reached the hospital, I quickly got off the car before she had the chance to say anything. I could hear her hurry and get out of the car to follow me.

Namjoon's POV:

3:05 pm...

I was still waiting for Y/n to show up.  I wondered if she hadn't come to work or if she was sick.

"Where's Y/n?" I asked Mrs Lu when she came into my room to give me my afternoon medicines.

"Dr Jung told me that Y/n can't visit you anymore." She said while handing me the glass of water.

'Why? Did I do something wrong? Why wouldn't she visit me? Is she mad? Did she just betray me? Where did I go wrong?' I wanted to ask all these questions but all I could ask was Why.

"She told me that Y/n isn't comfortable and she looked worried all the time. I think she's sick." Mrs Lu said.

I was mad. I didn't know what to do. All I knew was that it was a lie. Y/n isn't sick. She's perfectly fine.

I couldn't control myself. I felt the darkness take over. I threw the glass with all my strength and it smashed on the wall. The broken pieces fell on the ground. I noticed Mrs Lu's terrified face. She ran out at once. I followed her. I went inside the elevator which she had called but didn't get in.

Y/n's POV:

I was on rounds on my own. I had nothing to do since I wasn't taking care of Namjoon anymore. Mom had 'ordered' for me to stay away from Namjoon's floor. So I wandered everywhere aimlessly except for that floor.

I stood in front of the elevator waiting for it to arrive. When it did, the doors slowly opened, revealing a panting Namjoon, barefoot in his hospital dress.  

"What are you-" I was about to ask but was cut of by a sudden hug. A hug that was so tight that it could strangle you to death.

"Why didn't you come to me? Did you finally decide to betray me after I told you everything?" He huffed. I tapped on his back unable to breathe, let alone answer his questions.

He let go but he held a tight grip on my arms, looking furious.

"Mom won't let me see you. She says you'll hurt me." I spilled the truth and his eyes grew wide. He slowly loosened his grip but I could still feel the pain.

"Why? Did I do something?" He asked.

"I told her everything. I told her how you were framed and and how you're trapped here." I said.

He didn't say anything for a while. He just looked at me, shocked. His grip tightened again. "Why did you tell her?!" He asked, this time anger filled in his voice.

"I wanted to help. I thought she could help you get out of here." I said, this time actually feeling scared of Namjoon. He was really scaring me now.

"You think she'd help?" He smirked. "How naïve exactly are you?"

Are you liking it so far? What do you think might happen next? Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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