Chapter 19

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"Leave, Now!" I said sternly.

I look outside the window blankly, then I could hear they start to walk away and leaving me but one footsteps stops behind me.

"If you leave her, You'll regret it for your the rest of your life. She's been very loyal to you, she always put you first, above anyone else including herself. Don't be stupid by letting her go just because this misunderstanding shit." Helena whispered in my ear.

I didn't respond to her, I keep standing still. I don't want to hear anything from them. They must be teamed up to say those things just to make me feel guilty. And I won't let that happen. Because I'm right.. right?

I hear the door opened and closed quietly, then followed by the sound of the car leaving my house. They finally leave. The house suddenly feels so quiet and.. empty. I sit on the couch and take a deep breath. I let myself drowned in my thoughts. Rewinding the moment when I first saw y/n and Helena in the same bed together to this moment.

After hours of deep and long conversation with my own self, my mind becomes more clearer. I pushed aside my jealousy and my ego. I start to realised that... I'm being a fool and a total bitch the whole time. I started it. I caused this mess. Helena was right. Y/n always been loyal to me, I was blinded by my own jealousy. Everything they said also right, I didn't see anything except that they're sleeping in the same bed. They're fully clothed. And this is unfair for y/n because I jump to conclusions without even thinking, I never let y/n explain herself and about the situation. A big wave of regrets suddenly filled my head and my heart. I feel like a horrible person.

The room starts to get darker and darker. The sun sets and already replaced by the moon. I got lost in my thoughts. I spent the rest of the day just crying and couldn't stop blaming myself for everything. I need to apologize to y/n. I have to. I don't know if y/n will ever forgive me for what I've done, but I don't want to lose her. I should go to her place as soon as possible. I have to fix my own mess!


I woken up in the early morning by the sound of a doorbell and someone knocking.. or more like banging on my front door. I put my robe on and head to the door. It's still a little bit dark outside.

"Who's crazy enough to visit someone at this hour.." I grumbled.

I open the door slightly and peek. I was shocked to find Helen standing in front of my door, her eyes were puffy, looks like she's been crying the whole night. She look like a mess.

"Helen?" I open the door immediately, "Do you realize what time is it? What are you doing here? Are you okay?"

Helen doesn't say anything, she just look down and starts crying. "For heaven's sake! Get in! It's freezing outside!" I pull her inside then close the door.

"Y-Y/n.. I came here to.. to apologize." She said quietly.

I just look at her for a moment. She look so vulnerable. Then I pulled her in for a hug.

"Sshhh it's okay love.. I forgive you.. don't worry about it, okay!?" I stroke her back to calm her down but it only makes her cry harder.

I let her cry in my arms for another minute until she get calmer. Then I pulled back and lead her to the living room and sit her on the couch.

"You sit there.. I'll make you tea.." I said.

"NO!.. uh.. I mean.. no.. thank you.. I just want to talk to you. Can you just sit here?" She patted the space next to her on the couch. I obeyed. I sit beside her, our body facing each other.

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