Chapter 1

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Miley Swan was trembling with anxiety as she stepped off the plane and began to walk to baggage claim

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Miley Swan was trembling with anxiety as she stepped off the plane and began to walk to baggage claim. She always feared the unknown and felt lost at the moment. As she grabbed the escalator railing leading down to the baggage claim she saw her father waiting for her with no Bella in sight.

Bella had come a month or two prior to Miley's arrival, it hurt to not see Bella there but Miley tried to hide it like she did most things. She smiled softly as she reached the bottom of the moving stairs and walked awkwardly to her father who she hadn't seen in years. It wasn't that she didn't want to come see her dad but she didn't wanna go alone. And she didn't move with Bella because she had been sent to a ...... program for two months by her mother.

Charlie couldn't help but smile and grab his daughter spinning her around with excitement. Yes he loved both daughters but Miley had been such a daddy's girl growing up. He set her down quickly knowing she was probably shy or anxious with the eyes on them. "Well if it isn't my smiley Miley. Man you barely grew since I last saw you." He chuckled leading the way to pick her suitcases up making her laugh quietly between them. He had been referring to her short height of 5'2, it made her smile. She used to smile all the time...... but then she got depressed while living with her mother.

"So this program you went to was it nice?" Charlie asked trying to start conversation but unknowingly made her mouth dry up in fear. Her mother told her she wasn't allowed to say anything to her father about the facility she had been sent to. It wasn't a program it was a mental hospital, something that would now appear if you looked up her name in medical records or even police records.

"Yeah um it was alright not my cup of tea." Miley mumbled making her dad nod as she seemed to be tense about the question. "Well Bella wanted to be here but she had a test at school today that they wouldn't have let her make up. She's excited to see you." Charlie was being sincere knowing Miley would have been more laid back with a known face it's why he didn't know if he could send her to Forks. Forks kids were rowdy which would make Miley tense plus Bella wouldn't be able to share any classes with her younger sister. He wanted Miley to see a familiar face more consistently like someone that had actual classes with her and could see her in the hallways..... like Jacob Black.

It didn't take long to get Miley approved to go to La Push High School, Billy Black was more then glad to help. Billy would do anything for his best friend but he also wanted to keep Miley away from the Cullens. Bella would have seen the same fate if it were up to Billy, he didn't want the Cullens to even be around the girls.


The whole way home the two shared small talk about school, the 'program', and of seeing Bella again

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The whole way home the two shared small talk about school, the 'program', and of seeing Bella again. Miley and Bella got along fairly well considering they both were shy the only difference was Miley wasn't as gloomy all the time. She had some days where she had some real highs and would be really outgoing and others where she could hardly get out of bed.

She was surprised to see a boy her age helping a man into his wheelchair right as they pulled in she faintly remembered them. As she stepped out she couldn't help but wrap her arms around herself, forks was colder then hell compared to Arizona. "Finally home too now Miley? God you've barely grown and your father has been bragging a storm about your pending arrival." Billy teased Charlie who had been trying to act cool and contain his excitement. Immediately the two of them began to fake wrestle which according to Bella happened her first day back too. Making Miley believe it was the older men's way of appearing fun but also to make the girls more comfortable around them.

Jacob smiled awkwardly coming over to me as we watched the two older men. "Hi I'm Jacob, we used to be like best friends back in the day." He introduced making me smile smelly still tense having a conversation with someone I hadn't seen since my childhood. "Um yeah I remember the mud pies, and the dressing up your dog." Miley smiled small making Jacob feel good. He could see it now the anxiety Charlie had warned him of, he didn't understand what her anxiety could've been caused by but he swore he'd protect her.

"So you'll be coming to La Push with me, are you excited? I'll be your guide to every class." He said making me smile and shrug. "I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be." Miley answered more confident, being away from her mother she felt like the old her from childhood was slowly creeping back. The girl who hadn't been scared of anything was now a walking stress ball. Every little thing made her tremor throughout her body lightly that you wouldn't notice unless you watched her closely. Jacob noticed so right then and there promised to get his old best friend back and he certainly wouldn't allow the Hall monitors on steroids to hurt her.

When Billy and Charlie finally stopped horsing around they all went inside for a nice big lunch of Billy's famous catfish stew. Miley's tense persona slowly disappeared as she continued to get comfortable with the two. Jacob was able to miss school unlike Bella, although Miley did notice as they hung out that he seemed to look for her sister. She smiled sweetly knowing he had a crush on the older girl. But knowing her sister she didn't see it or want it.

When Bella finally arrived Miley was ecstatic to finally see her sister. But Bella looked upset walking in but stopped seeing everyone there. She awkwardly smiled Hugging her sister before looking like she was upset for a split second again. Which only Miley seemed to pick up on, maybe to everyone else this was normal but Miley knew better. But she also wasn't the type to pry into Bella's life.

It was already past nightfall when Billy and Jacob left, her father showed her to her room. It was right beside Bella's but the walls were painted a sage green, and her bedding was a soft dark brown color. She felt a smile as she looked at new room that was no longer hot pink thankfully. Her mother had forced the color at their other house too. "Sorry if it's not what you wanted Sue Clearwater helped me pick it out." He said scratching his neck awkwardly. "No  um it's perfect now actually." Miley smiled easing his tension as he left her for the night.

Tomorrow was her first day at La Push. And she was terrified of the unknown and Jacob was her ride for her first day. Then she'd have her car shipped over that her mom insisted she get for her daughter. It was probably to one up Charlie for getting Bella her orange rust bucket. She wouldn't even tell Charlie what it was or Miley. But Miley didn't have time to worry about it..... yet. She was too busy getting her supplies together neatly, looking through her entire wardrobe for her outfit for tomorrow, and trying to tell herself that she'd be okay....

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