Chapter 12

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Miley walked with a smile etched on her face for the rest of day, even as they headed to the library after school in there little group

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Miley walked with a smile etched on her face for the rest of day, even as they headed to the library after school in there little group. The boys were all confused but Miley simply told them Bella was talking of plans while hanging out with the Cullens. She received crumbled paper balls thrown at her and boos from the group as the librarian shushed them loudly.... Irony. Miley and her group continued to work diligently on their projects and surprisingly the cult didn't just magically appear where she was for once. Even as they left hours later not even a glimpse or word of the group. Miley went home and cooked dinner for her father, sister and herself with that big warm smile. It made Charlie see a light in the dark days he had been having with the dead hikers.

Bella gave her sister a knowing look as she bit into her Mac and cheese with a small smile. Miley shook her head but a faint blush was there and there father was happily oblivious to it all. They ate and talked about their normal lives and the 'fun' things they had done that day. Miley's stories seemed to hold more humor when she spoke of the guys and their idiocy. That night she slept well that constant pulling and nagging in her stomach was temporarily gone. It had been put to ease and she couldn't help but think maybe it was yearning for Paul. All the hurtful words he had ever said to her how ever also seems to remind her of the fact even if he liked her that didn't mean they'd date..... that didn't even mean they'd be friends or that he would even be nice to her.

Then her anxiety rose up as she began to think of his smirk earlier was mocking her for painting him. That maybe he hadn't painted her it just happened to look like her. He did paint a busty blonde first making Miley sigh looking at the ceiling with a pure look of disappointment as she was alone to her night filled thoughts of her day. She wanted to ask Kim- but knew that would show her cards, and she didn't need to be any more embarrassed at school. Besides people already thought they were some sort of dating with their little similar paintings. Also the fact that since she had arrived he had been acting weirder he. Normal and lashing out at more of the male population for some reason. The only people who didn't seem to see the weird connection was her friend group.

It took hours before Miley's brain finally overworked itself making her sleep deeply for the rest of the night. When her alarm blared she hit it but laid there still in thought. She shook it off and got ready before running down stairs to wait for Jake. He was right on schedule with that big 'I'm a morning person' smile that Miley despised so much. "Ready for breakfast? I'm thinking a bagel today." Jacob beamed happily as Miley nodded a bit tired which he easily picked up on and snorted. "You know most people are used to waking up this early." He explained pulling into a drive thru as Miley have him a fake glare. "And all those people are old and actually sleep at night." She said with pure mockery making him gasp in fake offense.

"You know you could say no offense after that damn." He said playing along making her chuckle and shake her head. "Your right my apologies Jake. I've insulted THE Jacob black I must be absolutely too tired to function." She said sarcastically making him nod in appreciation she was getting more comfortable and her sarcasm was more natural and actually humorous. "Wow can't decide if I'm proud or if I've created a monster." He says with a hand over his heart as they get to the little speaker. Both saying what they wanted before going back to their teasing. "Please Jake I'm an angel. Besides you know I'm the light and joy in your life." She says yet again sarcastically making him hide a smile and chuckle lowly. "Yup definitely a monster." He mutters making her swat his chest.

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