Chapter 8

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Miley's excuse to Jacob and the boys on why she didn't need a ride was because Bella was picking her up to hangout

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Miley's excuse to Jacob and the boys on why she didn't need a ride was because Bella was picking her up to hangout. She held her vampire artwork closely to her as she walked down the hall leaving sciwnce with Jake who had calmed. "Look I'm sorry for freaking out earlier..... I just don't like them. But your not the one reaching out to them and I shouldn't take it out on you. I'm sorry." Jacob apologized as we walked to our lockers. Miley immediately felt immense guilt but pushed it away and pretended to smile and wave it off. "It's fine Jake besides the weekend is coming up soon. I'm really excited to hangout with you and the guys." Miley smiled putting her combo in and grabbing her bag.

"Well well well, Ladies fancy finding you here." Quil teased walking up making Jacob and I shake our heads at him chuckling. "You sure you can't ditch your sister and come hang with the cool kids." Embry asked trying to sound cool as he made a fake smolder that made him look goofy instead of cool. "I'm sure. And hey you guys get me all weekend ya gotta quit hogging me!" Miley said pointing a finger into Embrys chest who laughed and slapped it away lightly. "We are Just saying your gonna get as pale as your sister if you keep hanging with the pale faces." Quil explained as the other two boys nodded like it was common knowledge. "I'm not from the res doesn't that make me a pale face already?" She questioned as they began walking to the school parking lot.  "Technically yes but your tanner then 95% of the forks residence." Jacob stated with a smirk.

The entire time we were walking out I felt watched but shrugged it off as paranoia. Not noticing the trio walking closely behind us as we joked about the plans for the weekend. "So I hear we are gonna have nothing but rain so what's the plan for this weekend?" Quil asked as they walked over to Jacobs car. "I was thinking we could meet up at my house? Hangout in the garage doing something?" Jacob asked everyone agreed and began parting ways. Once Miley saw all three of her friends leave the school parking lot in there vehicles she turned to look at the supposed cult. All of their eyes were on her as she grabbed her bag strap tighter walking up to them with what looked closer to a grimace. She thought the boys would have left by now so she could avoid them and just go hangout with Kim.

"So we are gonna go. I'll see you later." Kim said lovingly to Jared but at the same time giving him a bit of a pointed look. "Of course babe I love you goodbye." Jared said before kissing her deeply. This made Miley look away from the couple awkwardly and her eyes met Paul who was already staring at her. They seemed to stare each other down when his eyes drifted down to her art piece, his chin clenched. He looked away disgusted making Miley realize... just because he saved her from the teacher didn't mean he liked her any better then before. "Well let's get going." Kim ushered Miley into her tiny four seater as she waved enthusiastically to Jared and Paul as they left. Miley was tense and stiff looking around Kim's car as she put it into gear. "I figured we could grab something at the store for my friend Emily and then stop by her house and hangout with her." Kim explained making me nod slowly.

Stopping at the local gas station Kim got out and made me tag along. Emily needed us to grab milk, chips, popcorn, and ice cream. But Kim seemed to take her sweet time looking through the flavor of things, almost like she were stalling. Finally she decided to grab a big bucket of chocolate and another big tub of vanilla. I gave her a look with a small smile that it had taken her so long to decide on such basic ones making her seat at me with a laugh. "Sorry I'm very hard at making decisions sometimes. One of my very few flaws." Kim joked as she paid and we took the groceries to her car. "It's alright. It's nice of you to get these for your friend." Miley said smiling warmly which made Kim smile back blushing. "I'm not a cold hearted monster like the kids try to say at school about us." She stated with a smile like it was humorous but it made Miley feel sad that everyone did act like that.

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