The first day

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"ALFIEEEEEE" you shout right next to his ear as he has his head down on the table. "WHA- wait  y/n what are you doing here you are supposed to be at-" Alfie replies but you cut him off "DO NOT BRING UP THAT PLACE" you shout at him. "anyways Alfie aren't you going to introduce me"

"why do I need to do that for" Alfie stupidly asks. you sigh "1. I am your sister 2. I may....have of your students" Alfie looks at you "what happened to the boarding school" alfie asks. you stare at him for a second trying to answer his question in the best way possible "posh people are idiots?" Alfie looks at you confused "why did you say that like a question? what did you do? and is this why dad was in a bad mood?" you look down thinking how to tell the story "chill out on the questions alf. I only said it like a question as I don't really know how to tell you the full story on what happened but I got expelled from the boarding school and it may be why dad was in a bad mood" alfie looks at you shocked about what you said then sighs "ok guys" that got everyone's attention "this is my sister and she is joining our class go on sis introduce yourself" you look at him annoyed "fine i am y/n wickers and yes i got the good genes and alf got the ugly genes. i got expelled from my last school and cos our dad is annoying he made me go here" you fake smile at everyone but realise that this may actually be fun. " alf where can i sit?" you question him "uhhh... next to Mitchell" alfie replies and you walk over to the boy with his hand up. you sit down next to him "alright?" you ask him as he stares at you "yh i am alright" mitchell replies and alfie lays his head back down on the desk as well as everyone else 

*30 mins later* 

you are walking down the corridor on your way to biology with stephen and chantelle (the two who were sitting in the front) at lunch and people were getting in your way "move or i will remove you from this world" you shout at a little kid and the kid starts running away "dont you think that was a bit harsh y/n" stephen says "no that kid was just a scardy cat" you reply "and they were in my way i dont like people in my way" chantelle replies to you with " ok noted can i ask how did you get expelled?" you begin laughing thinking about it "PE" you say and chantelle and stephen say "huh" in unison "i was in PE and we were learning self defence and i beat up the whole class by myself" you continue walking down the corridor with chantelle and stephen standing still "oh and the teacher" chantelle and stephen run up to you "and the teacher?" stephen asks. "yes stephen the teacher i had many years of practice" you say as you squeeze past more people. "practice?" chantelle questions. you turn round to face them "imagine having alfie as your brother" chantelle and stephen imagined it "now you understand how i got practice"

*biology class*

you walk in the class with chantelle and stephen. "uhhhh miss gulliver where do i sit?" you ask as you look around the class and see two empty seats. One next to someone who stereotypes would call the school bully and one in the far corner. she looked over at you "hi you must be y/n... you can sit down anywhere you like" saying with a smile. "ok....thanks" you say sarcastically as that was no help at all. you start to make you way over to the mysterious man and everyone else started look nervous. you sit down next to him "hi im y/n if you didnt hear" you look over at him and he looked shocked "you are?" he stared at you for a full minute "grayson im frank grayson" he replies trying not to make eye contact with you. 15 minutes into the lesson and you were bored. well you would be bored if you were learning about cells like why do we even need to know about them. you put in your headphones and started listening to back in black by ACDC ignoring whatever was going on in the lesson and putting your legs up on the table but little did you know grayson liked that you were going against rules. "MISS WICKERS" miss gulliver shouted. you pull out one earbud "yh" you reply unamused that she was interupting ACDC. "you are not allowed to listen to music during your lessons" she states with a smile that said 'take them out or you will have your phone taken away' but you wanted to challenge her  "ok well im just going to listen to this and not to the lesson" everyone was shocked even grayson. "take out your headphones miss wickers or i will send you to frasers office" she said with strong tone. "ok i will go see fraser thats fine with me, me and fraser are mates cos i see him in the summer with alf" you say pushing her even further to test her limits. "alright enough GET OUT" she shouts at you. you pack up your bag and walk out the school and sit down on a bench till your next lesson which was with alf. you also decided that you would never step foot in her lessons ever again 1. cos she now hates you 2. her lessons were boring af. 

*45 mins later* 

you started walking back to biology to meet chantelle and stephen. once they came out the lesson you started to walk to alfies classroom. "hey alf" you say as you walked into the classroom. "hey? hey! why did you have to annoy miss gulliver you know i liked her!" alfie shouts at you "woah chill out i didnt know that was her and she is boring"you shout back. "she is not boring" alfie says offended as if he was miss gulliver. "she is dearest brother just open your eyes" you sit down next to mitchell "alright mitchell" he looks at you "yh i am good y/n i heard what happened in your biology lesson that was awesome" you laugh at his excited voice "thanks mitchell" the lessons went on boring as ever and by the end of the day you were known as the bad girl of abbey grove. you were walking back to the car with alfie as your dad was picking you both up. "hey y/n" someone shouted. you and alfie both looked back to see it was grayson. he was running over to you. "hey grayson" you smiled wanting to know why on earth he was talking to you "hey i just wanted to say what you did in biology was awesome but i will let you go y/n ... dickers" he walked away and you walked to the car and got in. "what did you do in biology that made grayson think was awesome" alfie asked suspisiously. "none of your business or you could call your girlfriend to ask oh wait she isnt your girlfriend" you reply and laugh at how he was single eventhough you were single but you had more chance than him at getting a boyfriend.

this is my first chapter and from the next chapters its going to follow the show. i hope you enjoyed this first little chapter. sorry there are so many time jumps. x 

The bad boy of Abbey GroveWhere stories live. Discover now