Self Defence?

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I made my way into school holding Frank's hand and giving each other subtle kisses every few minutes. "I will see you at break yeah?" I asked Frank and he replied "of course princess" we gave each other a kiss and I made my way to form. Alfie was talking to the class as I walked in "listen guys concentrate. it's important you remember this" I was confused but made my way to my seat when Alfie then said "get ready. she's coming" he looked out the door window "in three, two..." then everyone started saying "Oh captain my captain" I looked around the classroom. Alfie then was acting as if nothing had been planned. "guys come on they do this every time I try and go to the loo" Rosie then looked around confused but I droned out what was happening around me and started texting frank about the weird stuff that had just happened. I briefly heard something about a date and a staff meeting but I couldn't care any less.

Alfie then walked into the class as everyone except joe and jing was sleeping "ok guys there's something really important that I need you to do" Alfie said as joe handed him an iced coffee "oh thanks" joe then replied "no problem. It's on the house" I had started to wake up. I was tired from spending the night playing Tokyo sin with frank. Joe then was hinting at something "Because that's what friends do, isn't it? They buy things for each other" Alfie looked around the classroom "You all look knackered have you had another party that I wasn't invited to?" Joe then replied "they've all been playing Tokyo Sin" as I was slowly falling back asleep Mitchell who was directly next to me shouted, "yes, bruv, Tokyo Sin is dench!" I gave up trying to sleep. I guess I will sleep at break or lunch. Alfie then asked us all "Hang on, hands up if you've got this game" everyone except joe put their hands up "Typical, Joe, the only one of my crew with a little bit of sense" joe then said "it's just that it's an 18 and my mum won't buy it for me. If only I had an adult friend who owed me big time" Alfie looked at him confused then Stephen said "Sir, Tokyo Sin is just a craze" Mitchell then said "You don't get crazes, though, do you, sir? You're older than that condom you got in your wallet" I laughed then remm dog said "sir didn't get crazes, cos he went to a posh boy's school. Too busy playing quidditch with David Cameron" I laughed even more. Alfie then replied "right, I didn't go to Hogwarts. And look, for the record, we had crazes too. Yeah. Pogs. Mmm, now there was a craze. Who remembers Pogs?... Pogs! Oh, you missed out! Pogs were amazing. You had these little cardboard discs, right, and you piled them up into a tower, and then with another cardboard disc you'd chuck it at the pile of cardboard discs, and it..." he rambled on so I decided to text frank telling him what was going on "I'm going to accept that Pogs has not aged well. Stephen, no offence, but this game, is it your kind of thing?" Alfie questioned and Stephen replied with sass "Nazis in fishnets? It's just like Cabaret" Alfie then continued to question everyone "Chantelle, you're a girl..." she replied "Who meets guys on the online multiplayer. Look me up My name's Jailbait. All one word. And I've got webcam" Alfie then said "Blocked" whilst holding out his hand to her "y/n you're also a girl" I scoffed "well no shit what did you think this whole time I was your brother?" He sighed "no I just didn't expect you to play the game" I smirked "frank has the game and when we play whoever loses has to take off..." Alfie then shouted "enough I don't want to hear any more" I then turned my attention back to my phone but still listened to what was happening "see? I'm the only one" joe sighed. Mitchell piped up and said "you is missing out fam. Anyone done blitz kick yet, the finisher move? You kick 'em in the head - whah - head explodes - boom - brains everywhere!" Remm dog then said "Course I have, I got bare tekkers" I laughed at them two as they always bicker but they will always be good mates "Yeah, but you play it on PC, don't ya? That shit is old. Where'd you find it? Your nan's vadge?" They continued to bicker saying about a lesbian sister and university. Alfie then sighed "Oh, you two, stop flirting. When I was your age I had an N64. And that had far better games on it than Tokyo Sin. Zelda..." Mitchell then asked "What you do in that? Dress up like a bender and play the flute?" Alfie then replied "It was an ocarina" Mitchell then sarcastically said "Oh, wow, an ocarina. Bet that helped you get the ladies." Alfie then replied "Yeah, it did actually, Mitchell. Maybe I should lend it to your sister" everyone was shocked at his response Alfie then said "Look, the point is, you're all very young and impressionable and a game like this is dangerous because it is encouraging you to be violent. That said, I am going to need you to get hold of some weapons - bats, flick knives, chains. Think outside the box. Bring anything you find into lunch" i looked at him confused then alfie said "y/n youre with grayson cant you get lots of weapons" i was confused "just cos im with frank doesnt mean i can get weapons" he looked like he needed help "please just get some weapons for the weapon amnesty" i sighed "i can see what i can do" i then got my bag and left with everyone else for break.

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