The day you met

410 9 0

Sign language
(Y/n)- your name

Hawks pov

My 18th birthday came and went last week. The agency is taking me somewhere today but of course they didnt tell me where.
Im sitting in the back of a black van, just looking out the window wondering what was so important that it interupted my saturday at home.
The van stops and i get out. I look up at a large run down building with a large sign.


'An orphanage?' I thought. This is not what i was expecting.

"Why are we here?" I ask my boss. "There is a child here we have taken intrest in, much like we did with you." He said not looking at me.
'Oh god. There here to kidnap another kid to train? This cant be good.'

The inside was even more run down than the outside. Torn up chairs in the lobby, an old reception desk, and the place stunk. There is a large glass door, behind it i can see kids playing with old broken toys. The boss walked up to the receptionest, and without a word she went into the back. I see her imerge again behind the large glass doors and speak to another adult.
"This could take a minute" the boss told me.

We waited for about 10 minuets before the woman came back, but this time with a little child next to her. It was a small girl, wearing clothes far to big for her. She has badly cut long (h/c) hair amd she was holding a small bag at her feet. The most obvious thing i noticed was the small black wings comming out of her back. I stood immedientally. We made eye contact for a moment and I took a step towards the girl but she his behind the womans legs, head still down.
"Before you take her there are some things we need to discuss." The woman said to the boss. "We gave you the correct amount of money you asked for. What!? Do you want more!?" He asked in a angry tone. "No sir but as i said on the phone you bought her before i could explain everything about her to you." The word bought didnt sit right with me. "What could be wrong with her? She seems fine to me, just a little shy." He said in a condisending tone. The woman let out a sigh.

"Shes deaf"

"WHAT!?" The boss screams confused. I just stared at the girl still hiding.
"I tried to tell you over the phone sir. Her parents left her here about two years ago. She knows sign language now but when we got her she did not know how to communicate. She is very shy and timid and scared of most things because people dont take the time to help her propperly." The woman placed her hand on the young girls head and brought her around to stand in front of her. She kneeled down to the girls level. "She didnt have a name when she got here so we named her. Her name is (y/n) and she takes a minute to get use to new people." She moved her hands, using sign language as she spoke. I knew a bit of sign language because i took it up as a hobby. The boss looked a little worried. I kneeled down to the girls level in front of her and the woman. I made eye contact with her again, and she seemed scared before she saw my wings. I exspanded them as she stuck her hand out to touch them. She seemed amazed at another person with wings and did not seem scared anymore.

Its very nice to meet you (y/n). i signed.
Everyone in the room stared at me in suprise.

But (y/n) smiled.

She stepped towards me and held up her hands.
Hi! Whats your name?
Her sign was very well developed for olny using it for two years.
My name is Keigo. I signed to her.
The boss looked at me. "You speak sign?" He asked. "Yea yea. I tought myself a while ago. Never got to use it." I explained. The boss have one of his discusting smiles. "As you can see ma'am, we have someone who can communicate with (y/n) so there is no need to worry about us taking her." The woman looked sceptable, but agreed.
"Allright. And just so you know, hearing aids would be able to work for her, we just could never afford them." The woman said walking to her desk. (Y/n) noticed she wasent there and started to panic. I offered her my hand and she took it with a small smile.

After all the paper work was filled out i was still holding (y/n)'s hand, and now her bag on my shoulder. We all left the gross building and got into the van. The boss decided that i would be the one to take care of her, since i could talk to her. We sat next to each other in the back of the van. I felt a tug on my shert and looked down at her.

Where are we going? She asked.

Somewhere safe.

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