Aurora Morningstar

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Today is supposed to be a delightful day. Her mother finally recovers after Ragnarok and it's Aurora's 1,954th birthday, 14 in human years. Aurora and her are still in Asgard. Aurora and your mother Hela, surprisingly, had a very close mother and daughter relationship before her mother got imprisoned by her father Odin. Now she is very cold and sharp with her like she had something to do with it. Now, she only hungers for revenge and conquer.

She had to stand by her side as Hela successfully slaughters her way through Asgards army's.

"Mother, please stop. This is not who you are." She knew she was lying this was who she was.  She just likes to think she could change.
"You know nothing, you are just a weak pathetic child and I am the goddess of death, this is who I am." She gives her an icy cold look.

"I know you're angry at your father. But he is gone. Just leave everything in the past." She stands in front of the throne where Hela is sitting.

"No, I don't think you know how important this is."  She stands up and  glides her fingers through her hair and horns sprout from her head.
"I will conquer Asgard and further more. I will do what he could not. I will-"

"To prove what?" She sighed in desperation, but her mother didn't acknowledge her.

Her mother takes a deep breath. "It has nothing to do with you, my dear."

"If you walk out of that door, I will stop you from hurting my friends." You take out that Hela gifted you on your last birthday.
"I can't let you kill anymore innocent people, mother."
Hela turns around and gives her daughter a cynical smile.

"Darling." She shakes slightly her head, and suddenly, she teleports in front of Aurora. She feels an unbearable pain and faints into her mothers arms.

"There are consequences for everything, and my wrath is theirs." She whispers in her ear as she picks her up and lays her on the throne.
"Especially, after what they've done to you. Dear daughter."

To whomever is reading this and once to read more don't worry I've not finished it yet I've still got loads more To do it just might take a while for me to think of great ideas all the time so don't worry. This is my second book now and to whomever is reading my other one I'll see what I'll do for that one its just because I've got all of these ideas in my head I don't know how to like put it all together, you no what I mean....... Okay you do good......... I'll stop talking now, happy reading!!!!!!

Aurora MorningstarWhere stories live. Discover now