Like Mother Like Daughter

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You wake up hours ago, but Hela is long gone. Aurora runs out into the balcony and sees her mother fighting Thor and Loki, her brothers. Aurora, then, immediately, runs out of the palace and heads towards the Bifrost bridge.

"Mother!" But she cannot hear her. All of a sudden, Aurora feels the ground beneath her shakes violently and then it cracks open. She falls to the ground and when she looks back, Surtur is towering above Asgard. "No...... Ragnarok". A prophecy she heard from Hela along time ago. Now, she must go to her, her mother, whatever it took. Nevertheless, it wasn't going to be easy. The ground is cracking fast as Surtur swings his sword.

"Mother!" You repeat but all you can see is a sudden bright light. She keeps moving towards the shore. Just before Aurora gets there, Hela rises up from the depths of the water and begins to attack Surtur. Aurora starts looking around, frantically, and without noticing, Surtur has plunged his sword deep into the centre of Asgard.


Aurora doesn't know how much time has passed, she just notices the ruin in front of her when she wakes up.
"Asgard..." She whispers softly. This was her home, everything she had ever known, and now it had been destroyed. She begins to slowly get up but falls back down as she feels a pain in her right arm and leg. They are both covered in dry blood, but she didn't care much.

She gets back up, and tries to look for someone. Anyone.

. . .

Hela looks at her daughter. "Darling, your arm..." Carefully bringing her arm up and looking at it more closely.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine." She stands up and reassures her mother. Hela gives her a quick but small smile. "Sit down and I'll go and get you medical supply. "Where are you going to get those?" Aurora looks at her.

"I don't know. Don't worry I'll find something."
"Aurora, my darling. We can always rebuild it." Hela kisses her forehead as she leaves and heads towards the ruin.

About half an hour later her mother still hasn't returned. Ignoring the pain in her leg, she eventually stands back up and head the same way Hela went.

She searches everywhere but there is still no sign of her. Tears start to form in her eyes because she knows she once left her when she was imprisoned in Hell.

"Darling." Aurora turns around. "Are you alright?" Hela is standing tall in front of her.
"How did you recover?" Aurora try to hide her tears. But she notices anyway.

"I am the goddess of death, my dear." Hela cups Aurora's face in her hands and wipes her tears away.
"Why are you crying?"

You missed the calmness of her voice and the gentleness of her touch. "I thought you had left me again."

"Never. I would never do that to you." Her mother holds her close against her chest.
"You left me when you started the rebellion." Only you could speak up in front of your mother.

"And I am dreadfully sorry." She pauses. "I always thought that was what I wanted." Hela looks straight into her daughter's eyes. "But I was wrong. I have missed you, my daughter." Aurora can see tears in her mother's eyes. "I couldn't stop worrying about you when I was in Niflheim, and I regretted every decision I made to you." This is the sincerest statement that she had ever given you. Aurora can see that she actually cares and it hurts her at the same time.

"I missed you too." Aurora hugs her closer and is relieved at her words.
"Right now, you need to rest." Hela commands her daughter.

Aurora MorningstarWhere stories live. Discover now