Chapter 4: Uno! I said Uno! No I Said it Before you!

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"Malicious Talking"

'Malicious Thoughts'

In complete silence, everyone was sitting waiting for their turn. 6 teams have entered the room, and for most of them, we've heard shouts and screams.

The kid from before, Baam spoke up.

"So, hi?"

Everyone turned to him, just staring at him. Slowly, everyone replied to him, but in a tired and bored manner. I sat in the corner with Ryuko, and Kaneki, swinging the blade again and again.

Suddenly, this girl with brown hair, golden eyes, orange dress, and black leggings turned to me.

"Please, can you stop throwing slashes around! It's hurting my back!" I lowered my head. "Sorry!" She was staring at me now, but not actually at me.

She was staring at the Red October, slinged on my back. "How'd you get one of the 13 Month Series..." Suddenly, our conversation gained the attention of a green lizard girl?

She popped up next to the girl in orange in a second like Dwight to Michael. "The Red October..." both of them said. Both of them lunged at me! But my teammates didn't fail to notice the situation. Ryuko jumped in and kicked the Green Lizard while Kaneki swung at the Girl in Orange.

Suddenly, the system blurted out.

"Team Toshiro! Please head into the room! Friendly reminder, Fights between Regulars on this phase of the test are not permitted!"

Ryuko, Kaneki, Lizard, and Orange Girl backed off. We then walked to the door, with an unsettling mood around us. I turned around and looked back at Orange Girl.

"See ya Orange! If you want Red October, you're gonna have to catch me! I stuck out my tongue at her and walked through the door.

'Man teasing girls is so fun!'

3rd P.O.V.

In reality, Endorsi wasn't mad a bit, but more intrigued at Toshiro. She smiled as he left. 'I'm gonna catch ya, White Haired Boy!'

1st P.O.V.

We entered the room to see the same Man with long yellow hair. He was sitting at his table, drinking some... INSTANT COFFEE!

I glared at him.

"Give. Me. Some."

He shook his head.


I grimaced and looked down in disappointment. He cleared his throat and started. "I'm Yu Han Sung, and I'm the Test Administrator for this part of Evankhell's Hell." Suddenly 10 Doors appeared.

"This will be your test.Behind one of these doors, will be the waiting room for the next test. And behind 9 of these doors will lead you to a certain death. You have abou-"

Kaneki opened the door farthest to the right. Han Sung just smiled.

"You pass!"

Ryuko and I were confused.

"Wait what?" Ryuko asked, bewildered. Yu Han-Sung smiled. "The Test was just a bluff. One needs to have a team who can make leaps of faith for each other. That was what Ken Kaneki did for you." We all nodded and walked through the door that Kaneki opened.

There we saw 4 groups, most looking unfriendly. We sat in the now Grey Marble Room. All of us laid down, on the cold, but somehow comforting floor, going to sleep.

... (A/N: When authors need to skip some time. " I USE THE POWER OF THE 3 DOTS! ... ")

When I awoke, 14 teams were in the room, including the Green Lizard, who was glaring at me. I turned to my sides, looking for Ryuko and Kaneki.

To my surprise, they were sitting next to each other, playing Uno!

"Hahaha! Uno Reverse Card Ryuko! Get baited! HAHAHA!"

"Fuck you Kaneki..."

I stared at both of them while they laughed and cursed at each other.

Suddenly, the door popped open, and in came another team. The team consisted of two hooded people and the Brown Haired Girl!

I stared at her as she talked to her teammates.

"Hello! Toshiro you there!" Ryuko waved at me, noticing that I was awake. I snapped out of my daze and turned to Ryuko. As I looked at her, I saw Kaneki in the background, sobbing and... ripping a red Uno Reverse Card.

"Yeah, I am," I weakly responded to Ryuko. She propped herself next to me, and leaned her head on my shoulder.

"So, are you nervous for the next test?"

I nodded.

"Definitely, I'm still shaking!" I lifted my hands as they were shaking. I tried to stop the shivering but it was stubborn.

"Yeah, me too... One mistake and we'll fail the test." I turned to Ryuko.

"You know, you're not making me feel any better." She just smirked.

"So what, am I supposed to cheer you up like some Cheerleader?" I lifted my shoulders. "Well, you don't have to, but it'll help."

As I turned to look at the Girl in Orange, I noticed she was staring at us, more like glaring at Ryuko. It seemed like Ryuko noticed too, and stood up.

"Well Toshiro, I'm gonna go play some more Uno with Kaneki, but you're welcomed to join us!" She walked up to Kaneki who was still sobbing from his defeat.

Suddenly, the door in front of the room opened, revealing Lero-Ro! He tugged on his 3 piece suit, straightening it. He cleared his throat and began.

"Welcome remaining 45 Regulars! You've truly shown your worth and skill, which is why you are in this Phase of the Test. This time, we'll be playing a special game I've decided. For all of you."

Everyone's attention was turned to Lero-Ro.

"This is how the game will work. Everyone will be in a cage, surrounding a throne and a crown. The game is called The Crown Game. In 3 Rounds, you will have the choice of leaving your caged area, and pursuing the Crown. If you are in possession of the crown, you'll need to stay on the throne. Once your Crown is taken or you're knocked off, you're disqualified. You'll be able to continue taking the test, but whoever wins can pass to Floor 3."

This caught everyone's attention and intrigued them even more.

"In your caged area, a button will be placed on the wall. If you were to decide to pursue the Crown, press the button and you may participate in the Round. Whoever has the Crown at the end of Round 3, will be the victor. If you're ready, please follow me through the door."


Every team was in their separate rooms, including Ryuko, Kaneki, and me. But I had nothing to do, so I joined in on Uno.

"Plus 2! Heheh! Ryuko take them cards!" She smirked and added another Plus 2. "No way Toshiro!"

We both turned to Kaneki now who was sweating, but he placed down another Plus 2! I took the 6 cards, and in total, I had 18. As Ryuko was about to place a card, a speaker in our cage blared.

"All Regulars! Round 1 is beginning soon. If you wish to enter, please press the button!" I looked at Kaneki and Ryuko who shook their heads.

"Well then, Round 1 may begin!" 

This chapter is kind of like the Calm before the Storm.  For the people who wanted an Endorsi x OC, it'll be there, but with some challenges of course! Also, I'm sorry for the Chapter. Not as juicy as I wanted it to be. It's pretty bland but it'll help you understand a bit more. Next Chapter probably will be up in 3 or 4 days. Earlier if you're lucky. See ya!

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