Part 4

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Harry was sitting next to Draco in their second DADA class. The Rule Follower was getting annoying with her hand waving and yelling out the answers to questions. The twins' annoying brother was calling her numerous names. "Does she ever shut up?"

"No." Draco and the rest of the Slytherins were really getting annoyed by the lions. "Severus is going to love her in his class."

Harry looked at the blond. "He will absolutely adore her." The Slytherins smirked. They knew Gryffindor was going to find it very hard to survive Severus' class. Harry was paying attention to Quirrell. The man was a stuttering fool when he wasn't excited about things. However, get the man talking about spells the stuttering disappeared. Something was off about the man, he wondered if it had to do with the dog on the third floor. He was going to have to watch this guy, Dumbledore, and the doggie.


~Amber, something is off with that Quirrell guy.~


~The stuttering fool. He teaches DADA.~ Harry was sitting on his bed. The birdie, who he learned was named Fawkes, and Mrs. Norris were also on the bed. Amber was hanging from one of the poles of the bed. She liked to hide in the drapes. Mrs. Norris was close to giving birth to her kittens and Argus said he would let Harry have his pick of the litter.

~I will observe him~ Amber slithered down the pole. Fawkes trilled bit. ~Birdie brains agree with me.~

~Great. We still need to check out that trap door.~ Harry was petting Mrs. Norris. Fawkes was cleaning himself.

~Did nothing there yet. Followed old fool to an empty room.~ Amber had been exploring the castle.

~Wonder what he plans to put in there?~

~Will keep an eye on him.~ Amber curled up. ~Found a room with King. The King has been very lonely and gave me a lot of information on the castle.~

~That is interesting. What is the King?~

~King is King of snakes. Powerful snake, powerful magic.~

Harry was going to have to look up what Amber meant in that animal book that he ordered. Harry had hidden all the food he was hoarding. All the items he had liberated were in pouches he had hidden. He had other things he was already working on.


"What do you mean you lost the Mirror of Erised?" Minerva couldn't believe it was almost even the end of September and the Mirror was gone.

Severus knew who had something to do with this. He had been called to the meeting since Dumbledore wanted him to find out what happened. The boy stole the Mirror of Erised. He was a bit stumped at how the boy did it.

"I put it in one of the old empty classrooms with wards around it. The wards were still in place. So I'm not sure how it disappeared."

"Are you sure that Potter didn't have anything to do with it?" Minerva sighed, deeply. They had spent the morning looking for the Mirror. "He has stolen before."

"Potter was in classes all day. No one reported him being absent from his classes." Severus had checked to make sure. The boy certainly covered his tracks. If Harry did get caught it would be a frame job. He was going to have to ask the boy how he did it.

"They wouldn't have to. He stole me so fast I didn't even have time to transform." Minerva was still impressed by the boy. The boy's essay about animal transformation was well thought out and detailed. While the time in the bag wasn't bad as she fell asleep within a few minutes. She didn't wake up until she was pulled out of the bag.

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