Part 5

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~Where did he go today?~ Harry was sitting on his bed. Mrs. Norris' kittens were playing on the bed under the careful eye of their mother.

~Kept heading to the doggie but kept getting stopped by students or staff. He was in the book room for a long time. I got as close as I could get and the voice kept giving the idiot things to look up.~ Amber flicked her tail a few times giving the now four-week-old kittens something to chase. ~He mentioned feast but I didn't hear anything else.~

~That's tonight.~ Harry was about to ask another question when his roommates returned.

"Harry, are you sure you don't want to go to the Halloween Feast?" Draco started to pet Amber who still hanging from the curtains. Her tail flickering back and forth with a kitten trying to attack it.

"Yeah, I'm sure. The idea of everyone all laughing, stuffing their faces, and staring at me while wondering if I will do something like cry because my parents died ten years ago is enough for me to lose any interest in attending." Not to mention I want some time to check out a few rooms that Dumbledore had an interest in. Harry waited until he was sure everyone was at the fest and set off to go exploring. Harry was walking around with Amber over his shoulders. He saw Quirrell with his wand out leading something huge into Hogwarts. ~Amber, what is that?~

~How should I know? I don't know how to read. So it's not like I can look up strange creatures idiot Headmasters permit into Hogwarts.~

~True. Dumbledore should have added wards to prevent things like this.~ Harry started to follow Quirrell, listening to a second voice give directions to Quirrell. ~I think it's coming from under the turban.~

~We can't let it loose in here.~

~I'm aware. See if you can get the huge thing to freak out overseeing you. When he does it will break the hold Quirrell has.~


"What happened?" Severus had arrived at the same time as Minerva, Filius, and Dumbledore. They had finally been permitted into the front entranceway of Hogwarts. The Dark Arts alarm had sounded and secured everyone in the Great Hall.

"It appears Professor Quirrell lead a troll into Hogwarts, lost control of it, and the troll killed him as he killed the troll." Kingsley held up Quirrell's wand. "The last spell is the Killing Curse before that is Imperio." He gave the wand as evidence to one of the Aurors. "We weren't sure who the body belonged to until we did a blood analysis. It came back as Professor Quirrell. His head was up in the rafters."

"Oh, dear. A troll. He brought a troll into Hogwarts." Minerva couldn't believe it.

"Was there a sign of anyone else?" Dumbledore thought Voldemort was possessing Quirrell. Voldemort wouldn't lose control over a troll. The man's magic was strong enough to control a troll easily.

"No. I need to finish filing the report. The cleanup crew just arrived but they will be done soon." Kingsley gave a brief nod before going to speak to another Auror.


Harry was sitting on his bed when Severus arrived in the room. "Potter, I am wondering if perhaps you wouldn't happen to know the location of certain possession that belonged to Professor Quirrell might be?"

"No idea what you are referencing." Harry held up one of the four kittens. It was a brown calico, almost exactly like his mother. "I'm naming him Norris. The black one is going to be Midnight, the tiger one is Sophia, and the grey one is Nanook."

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