Part 6

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Harry looked at Severus. "You promise?" He stopped by Severus' office on his way to the train. He had already put his kittens in Severus' quarters.

"Yes, Potter. I promise to watch the kittens, Fawkes, and Mrs. Norris." Severus still wasn't sure how he ended up with Sophia as his new kitten or how he ended up agreeing to watch Harry's growing zoo. "You promise to return?" He had a fear that Harry might decide not to return because of Dumbledore.

"I wouldn't leave my pets behind. Amber is coming with me." Harry was actually looking forward to his holiday with his new family. He was a bit nervous but they had been writing for a while so he felt a bit better about going with almost strangers.

While it wasn't confirmation Severus knew it was the best he was going to get. "Harry, do not get into trouble."

"Me, trouble? You must have me confused with some else." Harry gave Severus a small smile. He headed toward the door. "How does Dumbledore feel about that guardian he has?"


"No reason." Harry was gone before Severus could ask another question.

Severus knew that wasn't an innocently asked question. He closed his eyes and wondered what he did in a former life to be plagued by Potters. He knew he would hear about whatever was missing later.


"What?" Severus put down his Potions Monthly magazine.

"My guardian is missing. In its place is a massive stone that says don't eat the lemon drops. I have no idea where it went." Dumbledore had spent a good hour trying to figure out what happened.

"I don't think it was Harry this time." Minerva sighed as she poured them tea. "It was still there when the train left and I saw him get on the train."

"I am aware. I left my office after the train left to go into Hogsmeade for some more lemon drops and when I came back it was gone."

Severus wondered how Harry could have done that. "The train isn't due to arrive in London until 7."

"Correct. The ghosts and portraits would have informed us if anyone remained behind." Dumbledore took his cup of tea. "I know Minerva that you feel young Harry stole the Mirror but I don't think so, not with this."

"I agree. Harry was in attendance at the time when the mirror was stolen but not for this latest theft."


"Sorry, Albus, but if you ran the scans all I can do is rerun them and check for any potion residue." Severus knew Harry had to have done it. No one else could have.



"What do you want, Weasley?" Draco didn't even give Weasley or Granger time to open their mouths.

"Just making sure that Potter knows he is coming home with me."

"What drug are you on? It must give you delusions of grandeur if you think that is happening." Harry saw the skanky-looking rat sticking out of Weasley's pocket. "Though if that is your pet, I am not surprised. It indicates you don't follow the rules. After all, the only official pets allowed at Hogwarts are an owl, cat, or toad. That isn't a toad. So you must think you are above everyone and the rules."

"Leave Scabbers out of this. You're just jealous."

Harry started laughing. "Jealous of what? Second-hand clothes, hand me down, skanky second-hand pet, and a second-hand wand? No, if anything I actually don't feel anything about you beyond the fact you're an annoyance."

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