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Severus needed a headache potion. He knew he should keep a supply near him when he had to visit Dumbledore. "Albus, be happy he returned." Severus wished he waited until the morning to have this discussion but he acknowledged that Dumbledore would have kept pounding on his wards until Severus opened his door and answered his questions.

"We can't let him leave again. We have to get him away from that family and with the Weasley."

"Albus, have you been listening to the words that have been coming out of my mouth." Yes, Dumbledore was going to turn him into an alcoholic. "If you keep doing what you are doing he will go to school in America. Our deal is simple, you leave him alone, get the annoying little trio to stop bothering him. I mean it, Granger, Weasley, and his mother need to leave him alone. He isn't James Potter and isn't a Gryffindor. He grew up fending for himself. He certainly isn't going to want Molly Weasley near him." Severus wished he could hit Dumbledore over the head with his own lemon drops. He wondered if he could get Poppy to do a mental health check on Dumbledore.

"You know what he must do."

"Yes, I do. However, there hasn't been a sign of His return. You said you thought it was Quirrell but he is dead. This new guy isn't much better either. He might actually be the walking dead." Severus hadn't even bothered to learn the man's name. He was just as insipid as Quirrell had been. Expert with Trolls, yeah, up to the Troll beheaded the man.

"You can't take him to Gringotts tomorrow." Dumbledore needed to find a way to regain control.

"Yes, that will work oh so well." Severus resisted the urge to give Dumbledore one of his glares. "I will be taking him or he will go himself and never return. It's your choice. I would hope you select me escorting him."

"Severus, he is too independent. We can't have him just running around without guidance."

"I agree, we can't. However, if you keep trying to force yourself, Molly, Granger, and Weasley on him, you are going to give him no option but to leave. You are so set on him filling the mold of his father, you're ignoring who he is." Severus was so thankful the boy wasn't his father. He had dreaded another Potter at Hogwarts. The Marauders were more than enough for Hogwarts and him.

"This deal, he will be taking lessons with you, three days a week, while remaining here?"

"Yes, and no, you are not attending the lessons, Albus. You have seven years to get the boy to like you. Stop forcing yourself on him. You're acting like a spoiled brat who has had his favorite toy taken away. The mess on the train platform should be warning enough. His family will take action."

"Fine, for now. I will permit these lessons and your escorting him to Gringotts."

Severus did everything but roll his eyes at Dumbledore's words. He was going to be taking the boy there anyways. Dumbledore was hiding more than Severus thought. Also, Severus had a feeling that Dumbledore was going to try and influence what he taught Harry and even attempt to find a way to attend the lessons.


"I need to get new books." Harry eyed the bookstore as they exited the Leaky Cauldron. He would also pick up their mail-order catalog.

"On the way back. I need to pick up my order of books and you need some books for your lessons." Severus was actually surprised by the amount of reading and studying Harry did. Draco and Harry were going back and forth on for the top student of the year. Despite Granger, with Dumbledore's backing, claiming she was the brightest witch of her generation. Well, technically, she was the brightest witch but not the brightest of her generation. They didn't speak until they arrived at Gringotts. "Harry, I'll wait over here." Severus knew Dumbledore would want to find out what was discussed but Severus wasn't like Dumbledore.

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