Jonathan Crane🧪

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Imagine: Going on a date with Jonathan

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Imagine: Going on a date with Jonathan.
You tapped your foot restlessly against the loose gravel outside of Arkham Asylum, Gotham City's infamous nuthouse for the criminally insane. You worked there and assumed you would for the rest of your life...unfortunately. You were the best forensic psychologist available in Gotham City, that hadn't already become a psycho, and the pay was pretty good. You never usually stayed later than needed at Arkham but you finally had a reason to, you had a daaaate!!!
And not a date with just anyone, a date with Dr Jonathan Crane, who was about the only sane person you had met in Gotham that could hold an intellectual conversation with you. Your friends had warned you not to date someone you work with but you ignored them, it couldn't hurt, plus you already had a crush on Dr Crane long before he'd asked you out.
But your best friend had made a good point when she heard. A few years before she'd been through a pretty traumatic incident after her and her immediate family being tortured by a man calling himself "Scarecrow", luckily Y/B/F escaped with only night terrors but the rest of her family were sadly killed by some odd sort of gas. After that she'd become a patient of Dr Crane and apparently he was a workaholic, Y/B/F told you she would show up at Arkham in the middle of the night as he said she could "come at any time" and Jonathan would still be there, buried in files and paperwork.
Which you guessed he was buried in tonight.
You'd been waiting for a half hour outside before you noticed the time, you frowned and looked down at you outfit, annoyed that he seemed to have forgotten about you. But you could be petty and go home or go back into Arkham and see what the hell was so important that Jonathan had left you standing in the cold for a full thirty minutes.
"Whoa, Dr Y/L/N, you look gorgeous."Danny, who worked at the front desk, smiled brightly as you went to show him your ID.
"Aw thank you."You beamed."I just hope Jonathan think so."
"You and Crane?"The dark haired man laughed."Oh your children would be so unbelievably smart."
You laughed a little with him."Well, it is just a first date so slow your roll."
"Alright, well I think he's with a patient right now but their session should be over in a few minutes."Danny told you."You can head on down there and wait outside if you'd like."
"Thank you again and say hi to Richard for me!"You called back as you headed down the hall to Dr Crane's office.
As you made your way through the hallway you began to feel a little nervous, you told yourself it was just first date jitters but...maybe it was something else. Nevertheless you shook the feeling off and took a seat outside Jonathan's office.
After a moment of scrolling through Instagram on your phone you heard something weird, a sort of hissing sound coming from behind the office door. Then shortly after there was a series of loud screams and immediately you shot up and banged on Dr Crane's office door frantically.
"Get an orderly!"He yelled from inside and the screaming continued.
"Are you sure you're ok?"You asked as you walked through Gotham with Jonathan.
"Of course, why wouldn't I be?"He smiled at you."I'm on a date with the most beautiful woman in Gotham."
You blushed and giggled a little."But what about what happened earlier, you know, with your patient?"
"Oh that."Jonathan looked down."That was nothing."
"For you I bet. That's happened a few times, hasn't it?"You mused, looking up at the stars, as you continued walking.
Your heard your date chuckle slightly."Oh, you've noticed that."
"Well, I mean yeah. It's kinda hard to miss."You giggled.
"Hmm. I guess there's just something about me that makes people crazy."

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