Jonathan Crane🧪

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Imagine: Visiting Jonathan in Arkham

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Imagine: Visiting Jonathan in Arkham.
The orderly stopped in front of the door and folded his beefy arms, a stern look on his unkind face."He's in here, Mrs Crane."
"Actually it's Miss, Miss Y/L/N."You corrected him.
The orderly laughed as he grabbed the ring of keys and began looking for the one to unlock the door to the windowless, white door."So the nut bag signed the papers did he? Tell ya, I bet Vinnie thirty bucks he wouldn't."
You frowned, sick of talking about your failed marriage."Can you just open the goddamn door?"
Sighing the orderly turned to key and wrenched it open."He's restrained so he can't hurt ya, I'll be waiting here when you're done."
Without another word you strode into the dingy room where immediately you were met with the sight of your crazy ex husband, lying uncomfortably no doubt in a chair, restrained in a straight jacket.
"Hello, darling!"He exclaimed as he laid his eyes on you."How've y-"
"Cut the crap, Jonathan."You spat."What the hell did you do with him?"
Playing dumb, which was something you knew the professor wouldn't do unless he was the Scarecrow."I'm afraid I don't know what you m-"
"Don't fucking lie to me!"You demanded and you felt tears began to prick your eyes."Where is my son?"
"I think you mean our son, my dear, he's as much mine as he is yours."Scarecrow spoke calmly but it didn't mean there wasn't a crazy look in his eyes.
"He is not your son, you lost that right when you became a murderer."You hissed lowly, though you didn't know why. No one could hear you and it was no secret that your ex husband was a mass murderer among other things, it was one of the many reasons why he was locked up.
He laughed manically."Oh my dear, I was a murderer far before we met!"
"Shut up!"You came closer, roughly grabbing Scarecrow by the collar."Where the hell is my child?!"
"To be completely honest, I can't be entirely sure."He mused."Harley might still have him but don't fret, she may be very easygoing but she's great with kids-"
You cut him off with a hard slap to the face, you weren't able to hold the tears in anymore and they began to roll down your cheeks."You-you..."
"I can smell your fear, Y/N, it's simply delicious."Scarecrow whispered, a creepy smile on his lips. You had nothing more to say, you wiped you cheeks and turned, about to open the door when you heard the Scarecrow call again."I wish you luck, Y/N! I truly do hope he is alive when you find him!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2021 ⏰

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