Chapter Two: Sweet talks and long walks

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~~This chapter contain material that some readers may find harmful or upsetting. Reader's discretion is advised.~~

I stretch out with a loud exhale. I quickly realize the bed is empty. My eyes fly open as I look around. Maybe the whiskey went to my head and I dreamt it all. With a sigh, I sit up and dangle my legs over the edge. I quickly realize one of my notebooks is open and sitting on my nightstand. Someone has left me a note.

Good morning Violet,

I hope I didn't wake you when I left. I'm afraid I had morning plans I had to attend to. I thoroughly enjoyed last night and would like to do it again. I don't think I've had that much fun in a long time. Maybe we can get a cup of coffee, without fear of you lighting your hair on fire. Hopefully, you aren't too hungover this morning. If you are, here are a few ideas that might help. Make sure you drink something. I put some Gatorade's in the fridge for you. I also made you a smoothie that might help. It's full of greens and fruits to spike your vitamins. Also, make sure you eat. Carbohydrates are the best. There are some bagels on your counter for you. I truly hope these will help. If you find either idea enjoyable, please feel free to text me.

He has left a phone number and his signature. It's large and messy, but enjoyable to look at. The rest of his handwriting is so neat and tidy. Sitting next to the notebook is my phone. It's nearly dead, so I plug it in. It lights up to show me a different picture than I had last night. I still had a picture of Ken and I together. I hadn't thought to change it. I was so used to seeing it consistently I barely noticed it. Now, it's a picture of Henry and I. I'm curled up in his chest, out cold. He is holding me tightly to his chest, resting his head on mine. If you don't know who it is, you aren't likely to notice who it is because of how dark it is. I quickly add his number and text him.

'Good morning Henry. You didn't wake me, in fact, I only just got up. I'm sorry I let myself get carried away last night. I only remember bits and pieces. I hope you can forgive me for any bad behavior. From what I can remember of the night, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'd very much enjoy seeing you again, for any reason honestly. I'll let you know if any of your tricks help with this horrendous headache I've got. Thank you for the picture, btw.'

I open my photos to see I took quite a few throughout the night. I don't remember taking very many, but apparently, I did. I took pictures of us playing darts, drinking, playing games, walking around the carnival, and on the Ferris wheel.

'I don't remember taking all of these pictures, but apparently, I took quite a few. Would you like to see them?'

I text him before getting up. I groan as my headache gets worse. I slowly make my way to the kitchen and put a bagel in the toaster. I pull out the smoothie he made and try it. I was expecting a terrible taste, but it's very fruity. I down it quickly and wash the cup. Everything he used to make the smoothie is clean and sitting in the drying rack. I add some strawberry jam to my bagel and head into my room. While I eat, I check my phone. Henry has texted me, and I've missed two texts from Teddy. I check the ones from Teddy first.

'Hey, where did you go? I found this like, really hot dude. I'm going to go home with him. Girl, you better text me soon.'

That was from last night. He has also sent me one this morning.

'Boo, where are you? I'm starting to worry a little bit. Totally hoping you found a rebound but I need an answer, please.'

I sigh and hastily text him back.

'I'm sorry I didn't text you last night. I didn't mean to run off like that. I ran into Henry freaking Cavill. I couldn't turn him down when he asked to join me in celebrating. I'm fine and I'll tell you more later. Do you want to meet for coffee today?'

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