Chapter Thirteen: Till death do us part

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~~Contains sexual content~~

"I'm getting married." Henry purrs, looking back at his mother through the rear view mirror.

"Excuse me!" She shrieks, making Henry and I flinch. He is lucky to stay on the road.

"You can't just get married. It takes planning and preparation....and invitations...." She gasps as she looks from one of us to the other.

"Are you getting married in that?" She asks when Henry just shakes his head. She leans over the seat to look me up and down.

"Yes. I don't need a big white ball gown." I purr, leaning over to kiss her cheek.

"Did you at least get her a ring?" She crocks, looking over at Henry.

"No, but I will get her one. Even if it's just a band." He chuckles, looking over at us.

"As long as you wear one too." I giggle, watching his smile grow.

"Fair." I smile as we pull up to the courthouse. There aren't very many cars in the parking lot. Hopefully that means we can get in and out quickly.

"Come on." Henry purrs as he gets out. I quickly follow, practically dragging Mum out of the car.

"Are you absolutely sure about this?" She gasps as we head inside.

"Yes Mum I am. She has my heart, now she'll have my name too." I bite my lip as my cheeks flare an extremely dark shade of red. I hadn't thought about that.

"Violet Cavill." I whisper to myself. I like how that sounds. Henry heads to the front desk and gets everything sorted before joining us. We are sitting off to the side. He hands me a paper and we both fill it out. When I'm done, he takes them both up to the woman. Soon he joins us again. He pulls out his phone and wraps an arm around me.

"Smile." He purrs, earning a bright smile. I lean into him, giggling when he takes the picture.

"Oh I like that. May I post it?"

"Of course." He keeps his arm wrapped around me while he prepares the post. He shows me as his mother continues to watch us nervously.

'About to get married, beyond excited.'

"Are you sure you want to post that? Your fans will freak out." I giggle as I rest my head on his chest.

"I thought you liked making our fans freak out." I squeak softly at his comment, earning a chuckle. He post it just as the woman calls us in. We head into a small court room with a single judge. He asks for our I.D.s, which we give. Once he is sure we are who we say we are, he gets started.

"We are gathered here today to marry one Mr. Henry Cavill and one Ms. Violet Blues. Do you both agree to this union?" He asks, looking from one to the other.

"Yes." We say at the same time. I fight hard not to giggle in excitement the whole time.

"Then by signing this form I will legally make you both man and wife. Please sign. If you have rings you may place them on each other's finger." I imagine the poor man has done hundreds of these. We both legally sign, and I sign the box to take his last name.

"No rings." Henry mutters as I sign. The judge nods and continues.

"By the power given to me by her royal majesty, the Queen, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride." He sighs in a rather tired tone. Henry smiles and kisses me firmly. We are both smiling as we kiss, his mother taking a picture. Once a picture is taken, she signs as the witness.

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