Chapter Eight: Welcome back

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I let out a shaky breath as I wait for Henry. His mother, Marianne, showed up at my apartment ten minutes ago to tell me he is about to land. Luckily, I had just gotten home from work. If she had come two minutes sooner, she would have missed me.

I wasn't expecting him to want me here to greet him. I didn't even know he was coming home yet. He has been gone since July, and it's September now. Our calling and texting have gotten more and more sparse as time has gone on.

"There's my boy." Marianne purrs, rushing off to hug Henry. It's so cute to watch him bend over to hug his mother. Kal whines and licks her hand, begging for attention too. Henry's dad, Colin, comes to stand beside me. He drove Henry's car up here, while Marianne drove their car.

"Aren't you going to go up and hug him?" Colin asks, resting a large hand on my shoulder.

"And get between a mama's boy and his mama, not a chance." I giggle, smiling up at him. Colin chuckles and offers Henry a hand when he reaches us. However, Henry pulls him into a hug instead.

"Thank you, both of you. May we join you for dinner tomorrow?" Henry purrs, pulling them both into a hug.

"Of course darling. You are always welcome home. I'll see you two tomorrow." Marianne purrs and takes Colin's hand. I watch them with a smile as they leave. I wasn't expecting them to leave so quickly.

"Do I get a hug?" Henry purrs in my ear, making me shiver.

"No, you don't." I giggle and sidestep. He pouts and follows me to his car. He looks hurt but doesn't speak.

"When we get home, you can have as many hugs as you want. We are being watched." I sigh, looking over at a group of photographers. Henry sighs and opens the passenger door for me. I slip in, giggling when Kal jumps in the back. Henry puts his bags in the trunk before climbing in.

"How have you been?" He asks as we drive to his house.

"Not great. My sun and stars has been gone for months." I giggle, watching his face light up.

"Moon of my life." Henry purrs, reaching over to stroke my cheek. I giggle more, leaning into his hand. We make it to his house in no time. I try to help with his bags, but he stops me.

"Unlock my door, please." He purrs, kissing my cheek as he removes my hands from his bag. I roll my eyes and take his keys. Kal rushes after me as I unlock the door, flying inside once the door is open. Again, I try to help with Henry's bags, and again he won't let me. I follow him in and shut the door behind him. I give a startled squeak when he scoops me up. He twirls me around, kissing me firmly.

"Put me down, please. You'll make me sick." I whimper as I pull away from him. He looks a little confused and sets me down. I have to lean against him as the room continues to spin.

"Are you okay?" He asks nervously, stroking my cheek.

"You're white as a ghost." The room stills and I relax into him.

"I was sick all day yesterday. I feel better but not great. You spinning me around really didn't help."

"I'm sorry love. Can I help at all?"

"Snuggles would be a great start." I purr, looking up at him. He smiles, leaning down to kiss the tip of my nose.

"Let me shower and then I'm all yours." I gasp when he picks me up, carrying me upstairs. He lays me on the bed, laughing when Kal joins me.

"Someone missed you." He laughs as Kal nudges his way into my arms.

"I missed you too buddy." I laugh, giving him lots of love.

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