- Prologue -

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2000 years ago...

   It was a blur of scenery as you flashed past, dropping to the ground in front of your lord and master, Morax, the geo archon. You looked up.
   "You called for the Adepti?" He nodded silently, face motionless. You heard the footsteps of others behind you, kneeling in his presence as you did.
Xiao and Ganyu...I didn't hear any wingflaps or other animal noises...
   The thought ran through your head as you peeked to the side, spotting Xiao's teal hair, as he met your gaze and gave you an almost imperceptible nod. Ganyu, on the other hand, looked up at the archon almost reverently.
Wingflaps. Cloud Retainer, Mountain Shaper, and Moon Carver.
   You six, with the exception of Madame Ping to be the seventh, were all that were left of the divine Adepti. You lowered your head as you thought of the others.
All gone. Gone in the wake of a war that left the mountains trembling, air quivering, and oceans crying. Gone in the dust of the Archon War.
Morax sighed, standing up. "Stand. There is no need to kneel."
   The Adepti obeyed, each standing. Your lips turn upward softly, hesitantly, at Ganyu, who offered a weak smile back. In times like these, you knew she took each loss the hardest. But you refocused your attention on Morax, eyes wandering to the side, to where Xiao, your best friend and fighting partner, stood, expression unreadable.
   "Adepti," he began, voice grave, "The war is over, and although we've suffered some insurmountable losses-" He faltered slightly at that, and you noticed Guizhong's Memory of Dust in his hand.
   He continued, voice strengthening. "We are still here, still standing. So go, find your homes, and I will trust you all to continue to protect Liyue for as long as you are able."
   Each of the Adepti took their turns nodding. The geo archon turned, staring into each of their eyes in turn. When he got to yours, he nodded, slightly, and murmured, "Take heart, young Adeptus. Internal conflict can be just as hard- or harder- than external conflict."
   You straightened, taking his words of wisdom very seriously. He turned to the others, meeting their questioning stares. "For now, I must go. Celestia beckons to me, as it will to each of you, when your time comes." With those parting words, he disappeared.
   The Adepti stayed around for a bit, telling each other where they planned to dwell. Each of the non-human Adepti stated they would be staying at Jueyun Karst, not too far from each other. Ganyu took after Madame Ping and decided to stay in the midst of Liyue Harbor, as a secretary and emissary for the Qixing. You and Xiao agreed to stay at Wangshu Inn together, despite the not-so-slightly-or-secretly interested looks from the rest of the Adepti. You argued that it was to prevent the demons that gathered there frequently from spreading to the rest of Liyue, but was only met with the dubious glances of the other Adepti. Nevertheless, you all knew where to find each other, and each left for your own places to call home.

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