- chapter 12 -

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you dont have to imagine yourself with that its just if you want!!

also ignore the hydro vision pretend its cryo


You effortlessly deliver the last blow towards the ginger-haired man. He falls to the floor, panting, now back to his normal form.

Childe slowly gets up and walks towards you, slowly clapping. You glance at his stance, noticing him slightly limping.

"You're a good fighter, Y/N. I applaud you."

A wave of silence accompanied the air.

"You do realize I'm an adeptus, right..?" You raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"Right. It seems the burden of the Foul Legacy Transformation was too great for my body. I lacked the opportunity to think this through.." He says, hand rubbing his forehead. (oMG TRAVIS SCOTT??) You stifle a laugh, seeing as how a harbinger 'didn't think this through.' He looks down at you.

"Honestly, now that I think about it, you never had any chance of beating me to the Gnosis." He mumbles. You scoff. "Not like that, no, I mean you had no connection to the Gnosis, no matter where it had been taken."

"No shit, Sherlock." You say. "I've been trying to tell you that FOR THE PAST THREE HOURS."

He looks around at something.

"I'm afraid I'll have to bring this amiable conversation to an end now, for my quest still beckons."

"Huh?" You ask.

"If the Gnosis wasn't taken by anyone, maybe it was never in the Exuvia to begin with."

You stare at him, intrigued.

"Maybe, the Exuvia was just a diversion."

"So you mean.. The corpse is fake?"


Your jaw drops. Why would Morax fake his death? What reason even is there to 'die' in the first place? It doesn't make any sense.

"Seems old grandpa is advanced in more than just contracts." Childe says. He turns around, continuing. "As such, we must initiate Plan B."

You look at him. Plan B? Does this mean whatever this was, was plan A? All these questions left unanswered were making your brain spin. You're an adeptus, you're supposed to know everything. But right now? It felt as if you didn't know anything at all.

"I hoped it wouldn't have come to this," he says. "I absolutely detest working with those who are weaker than I."

"Childe.." You finally speak. "What're you trying to do?"

"Oh my sweet, little adeptus. I couldn't possibly tell you, could I? For you'll go blabbing it out to anyone that listens. I, for one, am not naive like you. Now take a step back, Y/N. I have matters I must attend to."

Sigils of Permission start circling Childe, and the bright sky as seen from the skylight of the Golden House turns dark and gloomy. It begins raining sheets, with lightning and thunder accompanying the sky. You want to do something, you really do. You can't though, for one cannot counterattack without receiving an opposing attack first. And right now, you have absolutely no idea what that 'opposing attack' even is.

"Hahaha," Childe's monologue brings you out of your own thoughts. "Let's see.. will the nation that's lost its deity be swallowed up by an ancient malice once more?" He encases himself in a dome once more before traveling around the house in a water ball, leaving a trail behind him.

"If you wish to drown together with the people of Liyue," Childe's voice echoes throughout the house, "You're free to stay and enjoy the show!"

You immediately run outside. Looking around, you see Childe's already long gone.

Without a second thought, you teleport onto the Jade Chamber. Surely there must be some help there, with the entirety of the Qixing. Plus, it would be inefficient to go all the way back to the inn, especially when the problem is right outside the harbor. You stand on the ledge, peering over at the ocean. Three gigantic water snakes had arisen from deep beneath the surface.


You turn around and sprint into the chamber, attempting to find the Tianqian. Running to Ningguang's office, you're met with the adepti, standing with the Qixing, looking at a board with hastily drawn scribbles.

"Y/N, about time." Cloud retainer says sternly.

"Xiao informed us of your presence in the Golden House." Ningguang sighed. "Unfortunately, we'll have to discuss that matter later, as there is an issue of greater magnitude in front of us right now, as you can see outside." A faint roar could be heard in the distance.

You stand next to Xiao, while Ningguang continues discussing her plan. After everyone's caught up with everything, you all begin to head outside.

Just as you step outside, you see a blonde girl with a floating child next to her.


The pair turn around instantly.

"Y/N?" Lumine questions.

Just then, the rest of the adepti and the Qixing slowly start appearing behind you.

"The Adepti? With the Qixing? What is going on?" Paimon asks.

Noticing their confusion, Ningguang spoke.

"Faced with a calamity of such magnitude, we have agreed to put our differences aside for now and unite against this common enemy."

"Fun," Lumine says. "So will the power of the Adepti, Qixing, and Millelith be enough to defeat that god?"

"..Not necessarily," Ningguang says.

"Come again?" Her eyes widen. "So he could actually end up devouring this entire city?"

Your breath hitches, and you glance at Xiao. He glances back, but unlike you, he has an undisturbed expression.

"There is one way," Cloud retainer says, "in which the chances of our success would be ultimately higher."

Everyone turned towards her.

"The Qixing did once research the matter of the Guizhong Ballista when it piqued their fancy."

Keqing looked away. Cloud retainer continued.

"And as fate would have it, one, who did craft the Guizhong Ballista with one's own hands, is here. For what could you mortals ever learn of adepti mechanisms? Yet it would take one but a little tinkering to turn this ballista into an engine of war beyond your wildest thoughts."

Ningguang chuckled. "I suppose this is one blessing from the adepti that we should be thankful for." She put her hands to her sides. "So be it. We shall use the upgraded Guizhong Ballista to fight off that god. All the adepti here can lend their strength to man it."

She looked at you first, before signaling to Xiao and Ganyu.

"We haven't a moment to spare." She says.

"Our battle begins now."



lol hi im back

this is more of a reader insert than a xiao x reader im sorry but it'll be better once i rewrite it i swear

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