- chapter 8 -

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Childe POV

   What happened to her? Did Ganyu say something or what? She was being so distant right there.. like something was bothering her.

   Oh no.

   She found out I was a harbinger, didn't she? Unless she already knew that.. But how? She's as dense as a rock.

   Well actually, Ganyu or Xiao must've told her. They seem to know everything. And just when I was actually starting to warm up to her. I hope this is a temporary mood, if she stays like this who knows how I'm going to be able to take advantage of her. But like, at the same time, I don't really.. want to?

   Don't get me wrong, I know she's supposed to be my enemy here and all, but after you spend almost a month straight with someone, you get kinda attached to them. It's like, I don't want to kill her, I don't want her to die because she's the only person who hasn't viewed me as a battle-hungry monster. Not that I'm not one, it's just that there's more behind that entire thing, y'know? Who knows when I'll find someone like her in the future. Life's not easy when literally everyone fears you due to your status.

   I look down at my hand and see Y/N's glistening cryo vision in my palm. Desperate times call for desperate measures, it seems.


   You were so occupied with your thoughts that you didn't notice you walked right past the harbor all the way to Qingxu Pool. You looked around you before lightly sighing. You didn't feel like teleporting back to the inn, so you just decided to walk there. It would give you time to sort out all your thoughts as well. Who knows, maybe you'll actually see what it's like to be a mere mortal for once.

   After about an hour, you reached the top border of the Dunyu Ruins. Surprisingly, there were barely any monsters that blocked your way. You thought about everything a bit more. Did you really like Childe, or was that just because it was some of the only constant male interaction you had with someone? Even if you did, how would that relationship work out considering he was a harbinger? There were so many roadblocks in between that it really made you think over the whole thing. And bringing it back to the past point, he's a harbinger, you're an adeptus. What if he has ulterior motives? You were mindlessly walking forward occupied with your thoughts that you didn't realize you ran into a group of geo lawachurls until one of them drooled on you.

   "Ew, what the fu- OH SHIT-"

   One of the lawachurls grabbed you in their hand. You summoned your weapon, though when you tried to create an ice crystal, nothing happened. You tried again, this time trying to infuse your polearm with cryo, but still, the polearm lay in your hand, elementless. Starting to panic, you looked down at your waist. Your belt was fastened onto your waist with a few charms hanging onto them, your vision not being one of those charms.

   How could this have happened? Visions aren't something that can just fall off, especially when you're an adeptus. You couldn't let a missing vision set you back now though, you had to do something. So, you did the next best thing and stabbed your polearm into the eye of the lawachurl holding you. It screeched in pain and threw you against a cliffside. You groaned and looked down, your right leg had a gigantic scratch from the cliff and was bleeding out. Trying to hold the pressure point at your thigh to stop the bleeding, you looked around for your polearm. Frantically panting, you finally found it lying near a bush at the cliff. One problem though: it was smashed into several pieces. Man, today really isn't your day, is it?

   Then you remembered, as one of the lawachurls was rubbing its feet against the floor, ready to charge: "Call out my name, Xiao, I will be here when you call." As the lawachurl started charging towards you, you shut your eyes tight and whispered a light "Xiao.."

   You braced for impact, but instead felt warm arms around you, teleporting you to a cave.

   "Bloody hell, Y/N, what did you do this time?" a familiar voice asked.

   "Xiao?" You opened your eyes to see yourself in his embrace. "HOLY SHIT XIAO-"

   You sat up a bit straighter before falling again due to the pain.

   Smiling, you said, "You actually came!"

   Xiao looked at you, confused.

   "What do you mean 'I actually came,' you said my name."

   "I didn't think you were actually serious about that call out my name thing, I just thought it was a failed attempt to make yourself look cool." You said, trying not to laugh.

   He looked at your leg. Immediately, his look of disbelief turned into one of concern. You looked at the leg as well.

   "Oh this, I forgot about my dying leg. Oops." You chuckled.

   "We need to get you back to the inn, now. Then you can tell me everything."

   You silently nodded as he teleported the two of you back to Wangshu Inn, Xiao carrying you bridal style. 



Guess what

Im not a childe simp anymore so from here on ill be shoving that down the drain

Man I really felt like discontinuing this cause its been 3 months and ive had no motivation but then I remembered how much I love reading Wattpad comments so here I am

3 months later

With an ounce of motivation that has brought me here again

I was working on an outfit for y/n but im not at artist whatsoever so it didn't really work out

But then shenhe was announced today and hOLY SHITTTITITITIT

Needless to say if you want a story outfit assume its shenhe's cause I know ill be doing that


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