Hi I'm tegan Penelope cooper I'm 17 years old from portland and thats all u need to know for now

Hi I'm tegan Penelope cooper I'm 17 years old from portland and thats all u need to know for now

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Tegan : dad we gotta go
Dad : ok come on

I bring my stuff down the stairs

Tegan: love u mom I'll see u soon
Mom : love u
Tegan: love u too bye
Dad : i got your stuff

He takes my stuff and we out to the car and he drives to school

Tegan: thank u
Daniel : have fun
Tegan: i will bye 

I get my stuff out the car and i put my stuff on the buss and i walk in the bus

Tally ; hey
Tegan: hi
Tally : I'm tired
Tegan: well u can nap cause we are gonna be on the bus for hours
Tally ; I'll sleep in a minute i have something to tell u
Tegan: oh lord help me
Tally ; i said to lila that she can put our names in a hat to put us in different rooms
Tegan: u made no sence
Tally : our names will be in a hat and someone will pull names out and we will go to a room and that room will be where we will be staying for the week
Tegan: so me and u won't be in the same room
Tally : we could be but its a slim chance
Tegan: tally
Tally ; it could be my chance to share a room with Chandler i know its a slim chance but if theres that possibility i will take it
Tegan: if i get put with someone i don't like u owe me
Tally ; I'll owe u my life
Tegan ; ok fine
Tally : right now i nap

She leans her head on my shoulder

Tegan: really
Tally ; deal with it

I get my phone and for the 3 hour drive i just go on that while tally slept the whole time my arms was dead as hell but we finally get there

Mr keem: when i call your name come to me get your keys and then stand back in your spot for further information

He starts calling all our names and we get our keys

Mr keem : no swaping rooms

He starts going on and it was all boring but him and the rest of the teachers and a load of students walk off leaving about 10 of us in the lobby

Lila ; all our names are in this hat i will pick out the names from the hat once your name has been called u and your pather go to your room . No changing partners

She starts calling out our names and tally ended up with a guy

Lila : tegan cooper and....Daniel seavey go

I pick my stuff up and we find our room

Daniel: bed

He flops on the bed

Tegan: bed comfy
Daniel : very wait i just jumped on this bed do u want this one
Tegan; I'm fine with this one
Daniel; ok...u ok sharing a room with me
Tegan: yh I'm fine u good shareing
Daniel: yh
Tegan ; cool
Daniel: i don't know why i have feeling this is gonna be awakrd
Tegan; probably
Daniel: we don't know a thing about each other and we've spoke once in our entire lifes
Tegan : make it 2 now
Daniel: yh 2 times now
Tegan ; progress
Daniel; woooo
Tegan: my arm is so fucking dead
Daniel ; did u sleep funny on the buss
Tegan: no my friend slept on me the whole time
Daniel ; i would have just pushed my friend off i did
Tegan : i did but she would always end up back on my arm and she also had the window seat didn't even lean on that
Daniel: see i got luckey i got the window seat and kept pushing my friend off me
Tegan : see thats mean your friend had noting to lean on
Daniel: i don't give a fuck
Tegan; ok fair enough
Daniel: why u standing there
Tegan; cause I'm debating do I unpack or do i live out my suitcase
Daniel: unpack were here till Friday
Tegan: k unpack then

I start unpacking

Daniel : I'm hungry
Tegan: so am i
Daniel; theres a food place in the lobby I'm getting food
Tegan : ok
Daniel ; what do u want on me
Tegan: I'm ok
Daniel : u just said u were hungry
Tegan : i know
Daniel : just say what u want
Tegan : I'm good with anything thank u
Daniel  : no problem

He walks out and i call tally

Tally : yes
Tegan : hows your roommate
Tally ; wait

I hear movement happen

Tally ; she is telling me about all the guys shes slept with and its a lot of guys
Tegan: its not that bad
Tally : u might not think its bad but it is i haven't got one word in
Tegan ; oh
Tally ; i wish i never signed us up for this now
Tegan: u chose to do this
Tally : the regret who did u get put with
Tegan: daniel
Tally : seavey
Tegan : yes
Tally : hows that going
Tegan; atchally not that bad
Tally : i would say swap u go with girl and me with daniel but we aren't allow now
Tegan: i wouldn't swap anyway
Tally ; rude
Tegan: daniels actually ok from the short conversation we've had
Tally : luckey
Tegan: yh
Tally : of course u get the better person
Tegan ; well this was your choice right I'm gonna go i called to see how your roomate is now i know goodbye love u
Tally ; love u too

I hang up and i lay down and i go on my phone

Daniel ; food
Tegan ; yes

I sit up and he hands me the food and we eat

Tegan : do u want some money
Daniel: no
Tegan : well i don't care take
Daniel : i don't want it
Tegan: take it
Daniel : no
Tegan: take it bitch
Daniel; u called me a bitch
Tegan: yes u did no take the money
Daniel: no fuck u
Tegan : rude
Daniel; yh yh what ever keep yout fucking money
Tegan; alright chill
Daniel; i don't understand the world chill
Tegan : fair enough
Daniel : right me sleep
Tegan: and me tomrrow is gonna be long and cold
Daniel: but fun
Tegan : yh

I get up and i get a few things and i go to the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth and i get in my pjs and i walk out getting in bed

Daniel : night meanie
Tegan : night bitch
Daniel ; ok

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