Dad : tegan school
Tegan: yep

I go down stairs

Tegan: I'll soon later
Dad ; have fun
Tegan: yh bye
Dad : bye

I walk out the door and i walk to school

Tegan : yash
Yashvi : hey baby

She hugs me

Ned ; why does she more attention then me I'm your boyfriend 
Yashvi : i want a hug and shes warmer then u
Tegan: yh I'm warmer
Ned : i can warm up
Yashvi : shut up and don't be jelouse
Ned : i don't get jelouse
Tegan : u get jelouse over the slightest things
Ned ; well sorry I've had crappy relationships in my past 
Yashvi: yh well I'm not like your past relationships so u know i won't hurt u
Tegan : so u don't need to be jelouse
Ned : ok
Tally ; I'm bored
Yashvi :  hi bored I'm yashvi
tally ; fuck u
Ned : your so lame
Yashvi : love u
Ned ; love u too baby
Tegan : ew
Tally ; i know right
Ned : shut up
Tegan : i love u baby
Tally ; oh i love u too

We grab each others faces pretending to make out

Ned ; fuck u 2
Yashvi : its pretty spot on thought

We all start laughing

Ned ; i know

The bell then goes and we go to class

Skip till lunch

Tally : right we are fighting
Tegan ; oh god about what
Ned : we are saying tally should give Chandler another try and she don't want to
Yashvi : hes nice and u would be cute
Tally : yes hes nice but we have nothing common
Tegan: leave her be but u would be cute 
Tally : what ever 
Daniel: hey
Tegan : hi

He hands me a note and walks off

Ned : what does that say
Tegan: let me read it

I open it up

Meet under bleachers

Tegan : I'll be back
Tally ; hello
Yashvi: your a changed women 
Tegan : shut up bye
Yashvi: bye

I get up and i walk to the bleachers

Tegan ; how romantic
Daniel; we need alone time
Tegan: why do we need alone time
Daniel: cause we do

He pulls me into him kissing me

Tegan : did u get caught last night
Daniel: no did u
Tegan : if i had i wouldn't be here now
Daniel; so no
Tegan: yh

I kiss him

Daniel: i want u
Tegan: not here

He moves my hair out the way and starts kissing my neck

Tegan : we shouldn't do this here
Daniel; i say we make the most of what time we have together 
Tegan : i leave tomrrow
Daniel: i thought u had a few days
Tegan: me and my dad decided to leave earlier
Daniel : so we should do it
Tegan: we can do it when i get back not everything is about sex
Daniel; i know and I'm sorry
Tegan: why u apologising
Daniel: if i make it like I'm using
Tegan ; oh please i used u yeserday
Daniel : and u said not everything is about sex
Tegan: sorry
Daniel : mmm
Tegan: when i get back u need to be more dominant
Daniel: more
Tegan: yh i took control the first time and second put more effort in
Daniel; you'll regret saying that
Tegan: we will just see won't we
Daniel: u will
Tegan: ok...well I'll see u soon

I go to walk away and he grabs me pulling me back and i Wrap my arms around his neck and i kiss him and he kisses me back

Ned : fucking called it

We quickly pull apart 

Yashvi : sorry
Tally : I'm not u guys were going at that
Ned : washing machines
Tegan: shut up aleast we don't do it front of people
Tally : shes right u guys go at in front of us
Yashvi : don't come for me its him
Daniel: I'm gonna leave I'll see when u get back
Tegan : ok
Daniel: I'll call u
Tegan: bye

He walks off

Tegan: thanks guys
Yashvi : i am sorry
Tally ; u guys are hot
Ned : tall your gonna be the only single if u don't get with Chandler
Tally : not happening
Yashvi : just stop
Ned : fine
Tegan: we gotta think college soon
Tally : yh college guys i don't want a relationship
Yashvi : ok 

The bell then goes and we go to class

Skip the rest of the day

Tegan ; phones on the tabel
Mom : good
Dad ; are u ready for tomrrow
Tegan: pretty much i got a few other things then i am ready
Dad : good go finish packing then we will pack the car up so tomrrow when we wake up we can just get in the car and leave
Tegan; ok I'll finish now
Dad : great

I go upstairs and i go to the bathroom removing my makeup and i turn on the shower and i have shower i get in my pjs and i walk out. Going to my room and i finsh off packing the rest of my stuff up and i go down stairs

Tegan : ok packed
Dad ; go put it out side in the car
Tegan; ok

I take my suitcase in the car and i go back inside

Tegan ; done
Mom : good

I go back upstairs and i lay down turning on the tv

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