Save The Cat (Batgirl Sam and Catwoman Luna AU)

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Yes, I know that the actual Catwoman isn't actually part cat (actually idk that for sure cus I don't watch those movies, but I'm 60% sure she is just a human in a catsuit) but in this AU, Luna is partially a cat.
Lol, ig u cn say that this one was a little inspired by She-ra (with the mind control and more specifically... the title 😭🤧)

Btw Catwoman is a good guy in this AU and is in Robin's place but instead of a sidekick, Batgirl and Catwoman are a duo and partners. What happened to Robin? Idk ig he's on the bad guy side idk they aren't in this story (I say "they" cus idk who I'm gonna make Robin)

For so long... Everybody thought she had turned to the dark side. They thought that she had turned to the life of crime all by herself.. But they were wrong.
so wrong
Luna pins Sam against the wall. Batgirl and Catwoman. They were fighting again. The villains had broken free from jail once again and now they were here. The riddler looks angry, not just at Batgirl, but at Catwoman. He growls. Luna's gloved hand hovers, but she doesn't strike Sam with her claw. After all of this trouble, she doesn't strike her with her claws. Batgirl turns her head away from her wincing position and looks Luna in her eyes. Sorrow, unwilling, mistaken. She doesn't want to strike her. Batgirl watches the riddler from behind them bring his cane up.
"I never meant for any of this, I'm sorry, S- AHG-" she starts saying quietly, before jumping off of Batgirl in pain. She grasps her head and falls to her knees, the riddler walking closer. Catwoman then lays on the ground on her hands, elbows, and knees.
"I told you to OBEY ME" he twists his cane when he yells, making Catwoman cry out. Sam stands horrified. Catwoman had been snapping in and out of her evil state back to what seemed to be the Luna she was before she went to the dark side.. her sweet and loving self looking horrified by her own actions. They hadn't broken up, they could never and would never do that, Sam knew that her Luna was going through something that she wasn't aware of. Luna would never do such a thing, she'd never go to the dark side, she'd be too scared and weak too even if she did really go to that side. So what was happening to Luna? Were they bribing her?? WAS SHE DRUGGED?? Sam had no ideas, but she knew that Luna wasn't doing this on her own. One night, after they had fought the villains again, Luna acted differently. Soon enough, she became one of them; and Sam had no clue why. She had only started piecing it all together today and she finally realizes what's must be going on with her lover.
"W-What are you doing to her??" Batgirl asks the riddler.
He looks up at her annoyed.
"What, did you think Catlady here just turned bad on her own? I'M MIND-CONTROLLING HER YOU DUMB@SS I HAVE BEEN FOR WEEKS!!!" The yelling causes Catwoman pain, but what he said was causing Sam even greater pain inside.
Her fists clench, tears welling up in her eyes. "You've been mind-controlling my girlfriend THIS WHOLE F*CKING TIME??" She yells with anger, sorrow and pain. The riddler rolls his eyes, "Uh, DUH! Have you ever looked at her eyes??" He asks. Sam recalls at that moment every time she looked Catwoman in her eyes. Normally, in her costume, they were all white and they glowed. Sometimes they were green with darker green irises and a thin line as her pupils. But what she had never seen before was the purple eyes she had gained. Sometimes her green cat eyes would be bloodshot. Matter of fact.. When Luna put her hand up to strike her, her eyes were purple, but then faded back to her normal, human eyes. Those beautiful light brown eyes. Sam facepalms herself so hard in her mind.
"Did you really think a superhero like Catlady here would turn bad JUST LIKE THAT?" He asks another question. Sam snaps. "LET HER GO!!!" Batgirl yells at him. Catwoman still stays to the ground, but she breaths shakily. Catwoman can't even begin to comprehend what is going on right now.
All she knows is that she's in severe pain. She tries to sit up, but she's already become too weak to do so. "FINE, TAKE HER BACK. THIS B*TCH IS F*CKING USELESS WHEN SHE SEES YOU ANYWAY!!!" He yells, causing Luna more pain again.
Suddenly, he swings his cane to the sky and little electric shocks come out from her suit from her ankles and wrists. Luna cried out in pain and Sam is frantic. "STOP WHAT ARE YOU DOING??" She yells. As she spoke, his cane comes back down and Luna collapses. The riddler turns around.
Sam drops by Catwoman's side. She breaths shallowly. The riddler turns his head, "see you next time, sucker," he says, running off and grabbing his loot on the way.
Batgirl cradles Catwoman. She looks down at her, tears dropping onto the cat's skin and leather suit. Sam gets up and runs off to her Batmobile.

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