Grumble Grumble (Vampire Luna AU)

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Sam tossed and turned in her bed, unable to rest. She had a feeling that something was off about her girlfriend. Her girl, Luna, was acting odd, and Sam was concerned for her. For some odd reason, Luna had been trying to stay away from everyone she knew. All of the people Sam had asked that were either Luna's, or Luna's and her own friends if she was doing this to them too. Everyone said yes.
The concerns she had were cluttering her mind. She missed her girl. She missed her sweetheart.. she missed Luna. Out of all people, why would Luna avoid Sam too? Something had to be wrong. The blonde knew that their relationship was the same, they loved each other very, very, very much. The only reason Luna would avoid everybody, including Sam herself, would be because something is SERIOUSLY wrong going on with her girl.
The times Sam had tried to ask, Luna would seem as if she wanted to tell her, but chickened out and sped off.
Sam couldn't stop thinking about it. Finally, after tossing and turning for awhile, she sits up. She stays in place for a moment before getting up and walking out of the room. Stepping down the hall, some of the floorboards beneath the carpet squeaked as her weight had stood upon them. Going down the stairs, she reached the kitchen. Her fingers slipped through the cabinet door and pulled it open so she could take out a cup. The girl took a glass out and walked to the fridge. Pushing the glass to the fridge, the dispenser began pouring water into the cup.
The tapping of raindrops hitting the house were heard all throughout the home. The thunder was loud and the lighting was haywire. It would suck if anybody was outside at this time of night in this kind of weather. Her cup filled up and she removed it from the fridge. Putting the rim of the glass to her lips, she drinks.
After a few minutes, she was almost done with her glass before being spooked by a figure in the darkness. It crept closer towards her before revealing itself. Her mother walked in as she wanted to get a glass of water as well. "Hey, honey" her mother said. The blonde haired woman held the same blue hair dye as her teenage daughter, except a streak, she had a line that went all the way down to the end of her hair. "What are you still doing up?" She asked her kid kindly, looking to the clock. "It's not like you to be up so late unless something's wrong."
Sam looked from her mother, to the floor. Pushing herself off of the counter, she walked over to the small lounge table the had had in the kitchen. Sitting at one of the three chairs, she looks up after a moment. "It's Luna.." the blonde admits. Her mother "Oh.."'s silently, only making an expression and opening her mouth as she wondered over to the cabinet Sam got her own glass from.
"Luna's still not lookin' well is she?" She walked to the fridge with her newly found cup and pushes it to the dispenser. "Even worse now.. she's avoiding everyone, even me" the girl says, staring at her glass. Her mother makes a slow, "Mmm..", of acknowledgement. "She looks pale and she looks even more tired than before.." she taps on her glass in no real order, she did it just to fiddle.
With her glass almost filled, she turns to her little girl. She makes another noise of acknowledgement as her cup is filled. "I'm just really worried about her, but I know that she would probably appreciate that I leave her alone sometimes you know?" Sam said. Her mother joined her at the table, sitting in the chair not across from hers, but the one right next to her.
"Mhm," her mother made another noise to show that she was indeed listening to her concerned daughter and also as a respond to her question. "But I know that whatever happened is very serious since she's avoiding me too along with everyone else.." the shorter girl says.
"But the problem with that thought is that she doesn't want me to leave her alone. She never wants me to leave her alone, especially when she needs me. She asked me before to never leave her be.." the girl stutters after her sentence. The girl winces.
"I'm just...." Sam begins. Her eyes find the table as she tries to think. Figuring out nothing, she sighs sadly. Resting her face on the table. Lifting her head, she opens her eyes after a bit. "I'm just really concerned for Lunes, Mom.." she looks her mother in the eyes. "I love her so much, I just can't bare to see her in such a state.." Sam says as she closes her eyes once again.
"Mm.." Her mother made one last noise. "Sweetie, I think Luna needs you right now." Her mother said. Sam stuttered for a moment. Hushing her calmly, she continues. "I've seen how Luna acts around you, I understand what she thinks. Luna doesn't go to a friend for help, she goes to you." Her mother explained.
Her hand found Sam's shoulder. "She needs you. She may not be admitting it, but I know she does." The mother said to her daughter. Sam looked down and thought for a moment. Looking up, she thanks her mom and gives her a hug.
Finishing her water, she puts the cup on the counter and she heads out of the kitchen. She tells her mother goodnight and she says it back. Her feet soon find the stairs and she travels up them. The floorboards creak as the thunder continued outside. She reached her room and her hand found the nob.
Turning the knob, she pushes the door open and walks in. Her eyes turn to her lamp, which was right next to her on her desk. Her hand finds the button and it makes a clicking noise as it turns the lightbulb on. As she turns to her bed, she's frightened.
I figure laid on her floor, and seemed to be looking up at her. "U-uh!?", She was just about to yell for her mom before the person spoke. The person in the hoodie looked up, showing their face to Sam. "W-wait!" The person said, worried that she was going to yell for help. "It's me!" They said as they scooted closer. They took the hood off their head, giving Sam a full view of who it was.
Her eyes widened. "Luna!??" Sam yelped. Luna had dark eye bags around her eyes like she had earlier today, but her skin was very, very pale. Much paler than before. The tips of her ears were pointed and her nails were grown out and sharp. The last thing that seemed to have changed in terms of her body features, was that four of her teeth were much longer then the others. They looked sharp.
Luna held herself up with straight out arms with her hands on the ground, barely able to hold herself up. She looked weak. Under the brunette's hoodie, she saw a cut on her skin. "Luna! What happened?!!?? What's wrong?!" Sam rushed over to her. She slid on the floor to get down to her faster. She made it just in time as Luna just collapsed onto her. Sam felt Luna's soaking wet body in her dry hands. "I'm sorry, I just needed to rest for a bit.." she weakly got out. Sam held her in her arms.
"D-don't be sorry, baby! Wha.. w-what happened to you??" Sam frantically asked. "I'll explain later.. r-right.. n-now.." She breathed heavily. Luna seemed to be heating up despite being so wet. "I-I just need rest.." she softly said. Luna must've been in her room for a while before she came back. Sam, afraid for Luna, took Luna's arms out of her jacket so she could slip it off her body. Taking the jacket off of her girl... she shakily dropped the large, oversized jacket to her own side. Luna's shirt was ripped in very many places. There were marks and cuts all over her. Some Bruises, bite marks and even one small piece of glass was causing her girl great pain. Her skirt was a little tattered as well, her knees scraped along with her elbows. Her left side had a very open wound on her lower leg. Sam knew that the wound was bad enough that her girl definitely would not be able to walk very well at all.
"MOM!!!" Sam turned and yelled. She turned back to her badly injured girlfriend. "Sam, wait.." she got out. "I-I don't need help.. I'm okay, Sam..", she smiled slightly.
"No, you're hurt! Very badly hurt, you need help. What happened? How did you get here? What happened to your body??-" Sam bombarded her with questions that Luna knew all the answers to, yet did not respond right away. She looked into Sam's eyes as she stopped asking questions. Sam stared back. "Luna?" She called.
"I'm gonna tell you what happened.. but first.. I have to tell you something really important." Luna said. "It's gonna sound weird, and you'll probably think I'm lying or just joking around or..-" Sam put a hand on the girl's cheek and made her pause. "Please tell me." She pleaded. "I'll believe you." She informed her injured girl. Luna looked away as she did not want to make so much eye contact as she said this.
"I'm now like 30 percent a vampire.." she admits slowly. After a moment of silence, she looks back to her girl. The blue eyed blonde looks down in thought. ".. I believe you, Lunes" Sam says.
Sam had been looking at Luna's body since Luna was looking away from her. The pointy ears, the pale skin, her nails that were now looking a lot more like claws... her four fangs, two big ones on top, two slightly smaller ones on the bottom. Sam realized that the brunette must've been tired from stressing about it so much, she knows that there's no way Luna could turn into a vampire and not freak out. Luna had such a kind heart, Sam knew that for an absolute fact, so it must be so hard for her girl to take in the fact she probably looked scary to some and had claws and teeth that could hurt people.
"You do??" She asked. "Mhm!" Sam nodded her head, her tears slipping onto her cheeks. Her expression screamed how worried she was. Her mom burst into the room after hearing her daughter yell for her. As her daughter turned her body with her scared expression, she revealed Luna, who then sneezes into her elbow. Sam's mother jumped at the sight of the brunette, not just because she was curious as to how she got here, but because of how she looked. "Call 911!!" Sam said.
"WAIT NO!" Luna said, tried to quickly scoot away. The vampire felt a wooden closet behind her after scooted back enough and she put her right hand on it. She quickly put her right foot down as she grabbed the table with her other available hand. "Don't call them! I'll be on my way now" she pulled herself up with her right foot and avoided using her left one.
As she stood on her foot, the Sharp girls noticed another issue. An issue that scared them. Her foot was facing very far to the left, in a very unnatural position. It looks like she might've broken her ankle.
Luna hopped on one foot while keeping her other low to maintain balance. "I'll just see myself out now-" She made it to the window. Her figure shook from being so weak as she used all of the little bit of strength she had into getting out of there. Her hands find each side of the window so open it. "No Luna! Don't go, you're very hurt!!!" The worried mother said. Luna turned to the girls. "I don't want anybody seeing me like t-this.." she began to breath harder than before as she looked off into nothing and away from the blondes. Her hand found the wall as she slid down it. Her weak body shook as she sat. Sam rushed over and slid on her carpet and over to her girl.
She got close to the girl, shifted her body, and she made her lay down. The brunette's head laid in the blonde's lap. Sam felt Luna's cold skin as she shivered. "And if you go outside, you're gonna catch a cold!" Sam said to the weak girl.
"I th-think i-it's already too l-late for that anyway.." she said, sneezing again into her elbow. Sam pulled her up into her arms, "Oh, my sweet Luna.." she says, trying to warm her up. Mrs.Sharp ran over and crouched down. Sam looked to her mother, in which her mother looked back. The seemed to have communicated through only their eyes as they looked from each other, then to Luna and her broken ankle. If she didn't want them to call an ambulance or the police, they had to help her themselves. They would do what Luna pleaded and not call the police or an ambulance... but they were gonna help her whether she liked it or not. They knew the had to get their A-game on.
"Let's take her to the bed." Mrs.Sharp said, "can you lift her from this side?" She asked. Sam's mother did not want Luna to feel any more pain, so she wanted to handle the brunette's more cut up side herself. Nodding, they switched places and they put their hands beneath her. Lifting her up, the quickly and gently got her onto the bed. Sam kept her left leg up.
"Should we get a pillow for this leg?" The blonde asked her mother. She nods, running out of the room for a few seconds before quickly returning with a pillow. Fluffing the pillow after putting it in place, she stepped back so Sam could put her leg down. Gently, she lowered her girlfriend's leg.
The blondes stood for a moment, taking in what was occurring. Sam stared at her girlfriend, feeling overwhelmingly concerned for her. She held herself as she shifted in her stance. Biting her lip, her eyes glossed over the injured body of the love of her life. Luna's eyes stayed closed, she seemed to have passed out just before they picked her up. Luna did look tired, so Sam understood why she fell asleep and stayed asleep even as they moved her whole body. Seeing her soulmate so damaged just stabbed at her heart. Mrs.Sharp stared at her daughter's girlfriend.
"I'm gonna go look for bandages and bandaids" Mrs.Sharp speed walked out of the room. She continued to stare at her girl. Concern, afraid, sad, she felt all three at this moment. Lowing herself slowly, she sits right next to Luna on the bed. "What happened to you, baby.." she said as if she was asking her girl.
As she was about to look down, Luna shifted slightly. "H-hey don't move!" Concerned, she places a hand on her head, since her girl's hands and arms were all bruised, scratched and cut up. "I was coming here... and a giant wolf attacked me" her hand glided on the bed, towards Sam. Sam got all the way up on the bed, and sat crisscross. She used both hands to gently lift Luna's hand. She scooted closer and kept Luna's hand in her own.
Luna's fingers closed slightly as a replacement for actually holding the blonde's hand since hers was so sore. "And it took me a while to get away from it.." her voice was still soft as she spoke. "Are you hungry or anything? I can go fetch something! You look much thinner than before.." Sam concernedly rambled.
"I am.. but I can't eat normal food right now..", the pain of hearing and seeing Luna in such a state tore at her heart. Sam asked the vampire why she was unable to eat, to which Luna responds. "My... vampire-ish features need to go away. When I'm like this, I don't like normal food." As she explained, she looked to the blonde who was still staring and looking down in thought. "How do we make the vampire-y stuff go away then??" Sam wanted to help Luna in her time of need, she would do whatever it took.
"You're... not gonna like this." She winced. The brunette looked down. "Just tell me! Please Lunes.." being desperate, she pleaded to her girl. Sam couldn't bare seeing her like this. "Okay, okay... I just... I uh.. I need.. to drink enough of something that is very specific."Luna avoided telling her what it was. She felt that if she told the blonde exactly what she needed, she'd freak out and run away.
"What do you need?? I'll get it" the blonde's hand finds her girl's soft cheek. "I-I uh.." admitting that she needed this was making her anxiety go off. "Please, Lunes.." the blonde's thumb glided across her cheek, letting her know that she was safe with her girlfriend. Feeling this comfort, Luna finally tells the blonde what she needs.
"I need.. blood" she hesitates. She looks to her girl after a moment to see her reaction. Sam seemed to be thinking. She looked a little shocked, but she didn't seem afraid. "How much?" Sam asks the injured girl.
"W-well.. that depends. In order to be my normal self for a long time, then I would need... a.. gallon." Her voice strains and goes higher the closer to the end of the sentence she got. "B-but I can turn back for a bit if I get to.. y-you k-know.. bite.. somebody and.. get their blood from it.." she nervously speaks.
She twiddles with the bed sheets with her other hand and stares at it. Making eye contact would make Luna very nervous, specifically after what she just admitted to her girlfriend. Sam shifts slightly.
"Bite me" she states. Luna gently sits up after processing what she said. She looks into her girl's light blue eyes. Other then being concerned for Luna, Sam seems to be perfectly okay with what she asked Luna to do to her right now. "..What?", Luna asks.
Getting on her knees, she scoots closer. She lifts her leg and moves herself on top on her girl. Lowering down, she sits on Luna's lap. Now being much closer, Sam now knew she was for sure close enough for Luna to reach without putting too much strain on her fragile body. Her hand finds the brunette's cheek again.
"Bite me." She demands. Her fingers wrap around her collar. She pulls down, making room for her girl. "B-but-" Luna begins. Sam interrupts with a soothing "shhh..". The brunette stutters a bit quietly before Sam pulls her head closer.
Sam was a little nervous, only because she didn't know how much this would hurt, so she braced herself. This is for you, Lunes..
Luna on the other hand was very nervous. The brunette was gonna bite her girlfriend, and suck out some of her blood. How could she not be nervous?
"U-uh.. are you sure??" She asked, afraid to hurt her girl. The blonde put one hand on her back, putting her left hand on the back of her girl's head. "Mhm" she murmurs willingly. She wanted to help her girlfriend in anyway she could. Sam pulled her head closer one more time.
Luna's eyes found her girlfriend's neck and collar area. She looks down, but her eyes dart back up slightly to her left. The blonde's arm flexed as she shifted for a moment. Not only did Sam's muscles send Luna in a daze, but they looked so.. tantalizing. She could only imagine to blood flow. She wanted to find out how much blood was in the blonde's arm alone. Luna snapped herself out of her thoughts.
Her hand found the shirt's collar, and she pulled it down.
"Are you ready? A-and uh.. do you think that your arm has a lot of blood going through it?" Luna nervously chuckles as she hopes her girl doesn't think too much about her second question. Sam felt Luna's claws drift on her skin a little bit when she pulled her shirt down. "Yes, to both questions.. why do you want to know?" Sam asked, having a feeling she definitely already knew.
"I just didn't wanna do it out of nowhere.." Luna said, coming closer to her neck.
"No no... I mean why do you wanna know about the blood in my arm?", Luna got more nervous. She laughs it off nervously, "I just wanted to know.." she says.
Sam thinks for a moment. "Okay, well, you're gonna bite both" she states. Luna halts. She comes back up. She has a look on her face that perfectly replicates what you would see on tik tok. "😃what?" She asked in serious unsureness. Her face went back to looking more afraid as Sam spoke. "After you're done getting blood from my neck, you're gonna bite my arm too." Sam explains. Luna felt bad that Sam was gonna give her so much. "I-I can't do that to you though, i'll be okay with just your neck" she says to her, anxiety growing more by the second.
"Just bite me Lunes, I'll be okay, I promise" Sam says, pulling her head back down gently. Luna contemplates on her statement.

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