Because You Cannot (Spring AU)

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WArninG🤪🤪🤪: sewrslide and yada yada self harm yada depression yada kill me yada yada i'm in pain yada yada #StopLunaAbuse yada yada you know my stories are dark yada yada

She rocks in her corner. Her arms are wrapped around her knees before her hands reach to grab for her hair. It's a poor attempt to soothe herself of the inner demons plaguing her mind. Voices telling her "You're not good enough," and things like, "You're nothing without Sam." They say.
"You're not worth a penny." Another voice says. These voices don't sound like her own. Their voices represent the pure rough and deep feeling behind the words, "Nobody would care if you're gone.". They're more than enough to shove Luna off a mental cliff of sanity.
She can't take it anymore. She can't fight this. She's- "Weak.. you're pathetic, you can't even take the cruel reality of your world."
She has to make it stop. Make it stop.
Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop.




Luna quickly gets up and sprints to the bathroom that splits off within the bedroom. Bursting through the door, she can barely notice the sound of a door handle turning. The millisecond she's in, the bathroom, she slams the door shut. Suddenly, footsteps were heard outside the door as Luna ripped the cabinets open. A weapon. She needs something lethal. After a few short seconds, there's banging outside the door. "LUNA, Are you okay in there??" Her girlfriend shouts.
It was no lie that Sam was terrified to leave Luna all alone, but she had done so to speak her mother about options for diner that Luna would enjoy greatly. It had took a few minutes, almost a few seconds just to say, "Luna's favorite foods are.." and be done with it, but even that was too long. Luna's thoughts clutter up into overwhelming speeches of failure and dread of life so fast that it has her dangling from a millimeter thin rope that could snap at any moment. Somebody had to stay with her and that somebody had to be Sam, and sometimes Sam's mother since they both cared for her, Sam like a soulmate and her mother like.. well.. a mother. A sweet loving mother, like the one Luna never got to have. The one she never deserved. She doesn't deserve their love...

"Do it Do it Do it Do it"

Her mind is cracking, she can barely even muster any strength to search for something dangerous to use. She's given up. Not only on life, but on trying. She might as well curl up on the floor and silently sob until she falls asleep. The silent part was difficult do to her anxiety and severe panic causing her to hyperventilate.
She falls to her knees in pure and utter defeat. She can't stand feeling so small, useless and hopeless anymore. She wants it all to stop. "LUNA??" Sam hears the hyperventilating and the thud along with every other sound that was made such as her rifling through the cabinet.
"M-Make it stop.. f-fucking make it stop.." she squeaks out before slumping down, her hands on the tile floors. Her voice is weak and extremely shaky. It's one thing to hurt Luna physically, but hurting her mentally?? If Luna's horrible, intrusive inner thoughts were turned into a physical being, Sam would have a fun time killing it.
The blonde is unsure what she can do from the other side of the locked door until she creates a plan in her head. "Lunes, I promise you, we're gonna make them stop, we'll make you feel better!" She says from the other side of the door. Luna collapses on her side and curls into a ball.
"You're so much more than good enough, Lunes, and your way too good for me!!!" She says. Luna listens through her own shaky and deep breaths. Sam on the other hand, tries to sound more calm than the brunette for the girl's own sake. "I'm surprised you even loved me, I never thought you, an amazing, talented and beautiful girl could love me, a tall, talkative, emotional sap. I love you, Luna, and my mom care about you so much, Simon too!" She says. Sam hears a noticeable change in her girlfriend's breathing, it's working, I'm helping!
"I know that your family is not one you wished you had, and I know they can't be what you want or needed, but just know that you do truly have what it is you need." Sam's voice is now a lot calmer, soothing Luna enough that allows her to push herself up.
"You don't need to be related to call somebody family, as long as they care for you, and be a great pal such as Sully and Mazzy, then you do have a family, a good one too, and I'm a part of it: I'm your lover, Lunes.." the girl's breathing as calmed down, still shaky, but mainly it had calmed down.
"I love you, Luna. Please, don't hurt yourself, I could never forgive myself if anything bad happened to you." Sam murmurs. Her soft yet muffled voice through the door and her touching, loving words is enough to make Luna want to rise. She wants nothing more than to be with Sam.
Slowly, she props herself up. "If you think nobody cares or loves you or think you don't matter to them, then you're wrong. I'll always love you, to infinity and beyond. You matter more than anything to me, and I care for you more than you can see or hear.." The blonde croaks, hoping Luna really understands how true these words are.
The knob turns. Sam steps back and her hand slides off, leaving it hovering in astonishment and worry. The door cracks open. It's more than obvious that Luna had took a beating, mostly mentally. The bags under her eyes seem worse, her shaking following suite, and her low hanging eye lids and her wet tear tracks mark how tired she was of her pain. She needed to find a way to make it stop.
If we don't help this soon, she may end up doing it if we turn our backs for one second..
Having taken all of the mental abuse over these years, so much of simply telling Luna that she's nothing and not worth anything, not showing or giving her any love no matter what she did. This once happy girl who tried to block out all of the negative thoughts was now a girl who's mental state was crumbling as a crunchy leaf that had been stepped on would shatter. Her bright, happy look and smile had formed into a jacket, sweatpants and much paler skin. Scabs, scars, fresh wounds, old wounds, bruises, and even bite marks litter her body, creating a visual image of all the mental beating she has taken and showing it on her body like a painting conveying a specific story or emotion.
Her parents didn't have to lay a finger on her to cause deep gashes in her body and mind. She hates the world. She hates her parents. She hates dealing with the complicity of life and it's rabbit holes, trenches, tricks and unforgettable misdeeds it causes you. Luna had this the worse. Her parents simply had no room in their hearts for Luna, not for anybody, not even each other. She had nobody at home to care. At school she had friends, but soon enough, the ignorance of her parents had led her into a rabbit hole of sorrow, pain and misery that Sam had to grab her from, to slowly reel her back up the top. It could take a long time to help Luna recover, but she knows that she'll be that one to cause it.
"I love you too, Sam.." Luna is still not the best with looking people in the eyes, but they do flicker up every now and then. Sam comes closer and Luna pushes the door away to uncover herself for the blonde to grab.
"Come here, Lunes.." her arms wrap around the girl, who says nothing more than those five words. Sam stays grasping the girl until she feels light arms around her. Looking down, she sees Luna's arms wrapping around her, reciprocating the action and show of love. Even when the brunette applied pressure to squeeze the blonde, Sam could barely feel anything. The brunette was most likely weak from being starved for so long and not having took care of herself.
"Cmon, Sweetheart.. let's sit down, i'll tell my mom to bring some food up." Sam murmurs: Luna says little words, "I'm not hungry.." she murmurs back. Her hand comes up to the brunette's fluffy, short in the back, soft hair, her finger entwining with each strand. "You need to eat, I won't let you starve yourself to death." Sam says clearly yet quietly, showing that she won't let Luna have her sad way. They both knew it was best for her health.
Luna doesn't have a response to the blonde other then a low growl emitting from her midsection after they laid on the bed, snuggling together in their warm embrace. As much as her girlfriend wouldn't want or ever would admit it... the girl was running on empty, only pure air was filling her up and the occasional glass of water. While she doesn't want to, it's evident that she is most definitely dying to eat. Sam won't let Luna's stomachs request down.

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