Shadows of the Past, part 9

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Mairimashita! Iruma-kun: Shadows of the Past, part 9

The lunch bell rang and the students shuffled to the cafeteria. Only one was missing, unusual for the ever hungry boy. Iruma had gone to seek out Balam-sensei, despite breaking his promise to never be alone. He thought maybe he would get some answers. When he arrived at Balam's study, he could hear voices inside. Azazel-san? What was Ameri's father doing here? 

As Henri opened the door, he gave Iruma a dark look. With no time to waste, he headed off in a hurry. It was a mild shock for one of the 13 to be in Babylus with such a serious expression, but Iruma was now even more determined to uncover the truth.

Seeing Iruma standing there, Balam invited him in, serving tea and sharing what food he had. "Iruma-kun, you shouldn't be walking the halls alone right now", he chided. He looked upon his student with soft eyes, unsure just how much he had been told. Iruma glanced toward the door, still thinking about the presence of Azazel-san.

"Sensei, is everything alright?", he asked, concerned. Seeing no reason to lie, Balam dropped his gaze. Staring into his tea, he explained, "Bars-kun is missing." Iruma's eyes went wide. "Robin-sensei?", he uttered. Balam nodded faintly. "The last anyone saw him was early this morning, but he never showed up for his classes", stated Balam.

Iruma was tired of being ignorant to the situation at hand. Frustrated, he pushed for answers. "It has something to do with that strange demon I met, doesn't it?", he inquired carefully. Balam was mildly caught off guard, but he wasn't entirely surprised. Kalego had told him of the meeting the day before.

"How much do you know about Victoria?", asked Balam carefully. Iruma stared at the table as he thought. "Grandpa said she was trouble… I know there's something going on with Kalego-sensei and you… Even Opera seems worried, but no one is really telling me anything!", he replied, annoyed by all of the secrecy. Taking a deep breath, Balam weighed his options. It wasn't his place to go against Sullivan's wishes, but he cared for the boy. If he was in fact a target, he had the right to know.

"Iruma-kun, you students are more capable than we teacher's give you credit for. I'm sorry you're feeling so left out", said Balam sincerely. "I'll tell you what I can, but I can't tell you everything", he said. Iruma relaxed visibly with a small grin. He was grateful for the chance to understand.

"Victoria Ai has been a constant reminder of what can happen when a demon returns to the originator since long before you were born", he stated. Iruma listened with rapt attention. "Do you know what a vampire is?", asked Balam. Iruma nodded nervously. "Combine that image with what you thought of us demons before you came to the netherworld and you'll get an idea of how bad she really is", said Balam. Iruma swallowed hard.

"What does she want?", he asked anxiously. Balam paused, thinking of a good answer. Finally, he said, "She's part of the movement to return demon kind to our past. If she had her way, anyone weak would be devoured, and those in her way would be killed or enslaved." 

Iruma slowly started putting the pieces together. "She wants you and sensei, doesn't she?", he inquired, looking his teacher in the eye. Balam looked kindly over his student. There was so much he couldn't tell him. Pausing to think, he spoke of what he could.

"As rank 8 demons, we would naturally be on her radar, but it runs a lot more personally than that… You see, she's been in love with Kalego-kun since we were your age", he explained. Iruma gained an odd expression. Apparently he was having a hard time fathoming the concept of Kalego in any kind of romantic relationship. Balam grinned to himself, guessing his thoughts. "I know what you're thinking, but it isn't quite like that. Victoria is no scorned lover. Simply put, she's evil. She wants to make Kalego-kun suffer. She derives pleasure from it", he said. "She wants everyone to suffer...", he trailed.

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