Shadows of the Past, part 10

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Mairimashita! Iruma-kun: Shadows of the Past, part 10

Balam walked Iruma back to his friends. It really was best to keep an eye on the boy with Victoria around. The fact that she somehow knew his secret weighed on Balam's mind. How did she find out?

Iruma's friends were glad to have him back. They had no idea what was going on behind the scenes of Babylus, but they wanted him near regardless. Some students from his class invited Balam-sensei to join them since it was rare to see him in the lunch hall. He politely declined, having his mind preoccupied. Robin was still missing and there was no telling what Victoria was trying to make him do.

As Balam left the cafeteria behind, he found Kalego and Henri exchanging words in an empty hall.

"What do you mean you lost him?", asked Kalego, exasperated. "Wasn't it your job to watch over him until Lady Nene arrives?", he asked, curtly. Between pain and worry, he was so tired, he was ignoring the usual strict manners he would give one of the thirteen. Henri understood the situation and managed to keep his temper under control. "He disappeared from the staff lounge. We'll find him", he assured.

Balam looked over them with concern. It was no secret that Kalego didn't exactly like Robin, but as his senpai, it was his duty to help mold the rookie teacher. Upon seeing his friend, Kalego started to relax. "Anything?", he inquired, hopeful. Balam shook his head. "Just rumors in the cafeteria, nothing solid", he replied. He looked to Azazel, who was deep in thought with his fingers upon his chin.

"Out of the three of us, you know him best. Where would he go?", asked the policeman. Kalego stared aside as he thought it over. "Have you tried Barbatos?", he offered. Henri narrowed his eyes. "No good. She hasn't seen him, either", he stated. Another dead end.

"I'll keep checking with the others", offered Balam. Henri nodded. "Try the botanical tower next. We have to narrow down our search area", he ordered. Balam departed immediately. If there was the slightest chance that Robin would harm the students, he would keep his promise to stop him.
Elsewhere, trapped in his mind, Robin helplessly wandered around in the dark. The air was cold and the ground was wet, as if water had been poured over the surface of glass. It made it difficult to move freely or even know if he was making progress.

In the distance, he could almost hear his senpai speaking. Stumbling forward with a burst of desperation and speed, a single shaft of light lit up Kalego's silhouette ahead. More voices. Looking around, he discovered he was in the middle of a circle. Those he was counting on surrounded him with their backs turned, each illuminated as a beacon of hope. Kalego, Balam, Opera, Sullivan, Azazel, Bachiko. There were all there, facing away from him. Every time he took a step forward or reached out for help, they only seemed to get further away.

Losing hope, he slumped to the ground as the lights vanished. Looking at his hands, they were covered in blood. Tears formed as he fought his own psyche. His pillars of hope were gone. All he could see now were the lifeless bodies of his students beside him. Wrapping his arms around himself, he whispered, "This isn't real."

A familiar perfume wafted over him. Stiffening, he glared toward its source with all of the animosity he could muster. "You", he said, tears forming. Victoria smiled down at him, clearly amused by his breakdown.

"Can you prove this isn't real? You don't even know where you are or how much time has passed since you lost consciousness", she smirked. "Why are you doing this?", he asked, desperate to understand.

Striding forward, she knelt in front of him, stroking his face. "You're mine now, Robin-kun. Stop trying to fight it", she said. Averting his gaze, he surprised her by saying, "No."

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