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"Error, there is a fault in reality"


You walk through the doors and you're greeted with a bone-crushing hug by Yujin and an ear-piercing 'hello' by Yena

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You walk through the doors and you're greeted with a bone-crushing hug by Yujin and an ear-piercing 'hello' by Yena.

"Yuri's waiting for you! Quickly let's go to class." you were about to say something till you were dragged to your homeroom class by Yujin. 'I should've stayed at home.' you thought to yourself. After a while, the three of you reached your class but you just absent-mindedly walked to your seat and started spacing out. You were deep in thought until someone flicked your forehead.

"Owww, what was that for?" you whined and as you looked up you were greeted by a warm smile from no one other than Kim Chaewon herself.

The older chuckled and shook her head, kissing the spot where she flicked you as you pouted. She sat next to you and started a conversation. "Penny for your thoughts?" she said handing you a venti mocha swirl. "Haha, you wish. Where's Yuri unnie?" you faked a laugh as you took a sip from the drink Chaewon gave you.

"She was trying to talk to you until Yena pulled her out, her famous last words were 'I should've stayed home, I recorded it wanna see?"

You let out a chuckle as you and Chaewon continued to talk to each other, the topic suddenly became how useless the math topics you were taught at school were.

"It's been another day and I still haven't used the volume of a cylinder." You let out a sigh.

"Well, I could make you a worksheet full of 'useless' math questions."

"Now that's just pointless! Why waste your ti-" You stopped when you looked at Chaewon who was looking somewhere else not paying attention to anything you were saying, you followed her gaze and it landed on Minju who just walked in with Yuri and Yena. "You can go to Minju, I don't mind." You gave the older a smile and salute.

"Thanks kiddo, appreciate ya!" was the last thing you heard from Chaewon, "Welp there goes my entertainment, I wish I had someone to go to."

"I feel you, it really sucks when you don't have anyone." you heard someone behind you speak so you looked behind you but no one was there. "God, You're so cute." You looked back and there was this pretty cute girl in front of you, she had short black hair with a brown beret paired with a long brown coat and white shirt. "What the- where did you come from?" You asked looking unbothered but deep down you were freaking out

Where did this person come from? Was she always in my class? I'm pretty sure I slept for more than 8 hours last night.. Your train of thoughts was cut off when she spoke up again "Oh? You can see me?" she arched her eyebrows. "Yeah, I can see.. You?" you gave her a suspicious look.

"Huh, interesting. Ok see you around then." her eyes glowed a bright yellow as she vanished into thin air, 'Ok, I'm delusional and it shows.' you thought to yourself. You looked out the window thinking everything was back to normal and that you just needed more sleep.

At least, that's what you thought until.. Error there's a fault in reality. The moment you blinked you weren't in your classroom but in a familiar room but you can't pinpoint it yet.

You looked around and you saw a mirror, your feet started moving by itself, it was as if your body was being controlled by someone else. Fear started to kick in as you were in your fight or flight response only that you couldn't control the response. You wanted to run, you wanted to run so bad but you just couldn't.

You stopped in front of the mirror and you saw yourself, you seemed normal until you noticed the scar on your arm. You panicked but you couldn't move, you saw another scar forming on your arm. 'What's happening to me.' As time passes more and more scars started to form on your body

And then, it just stopped. Suddenly those scars started to glow a familiar bright yellow until it didn't. This went on for what seemed like forever and the only thing you could do was watch in fear.

As if time lost its meaning, the world suddenly stopped but that wasn't evident to you, to you it looked like you were finally free and could breathe again. You were still stuck in this strange room though, but the fact that you could move again made it somewhat better even if it's only by a little bit.

"Where is the exit to this thing, dear lord." You said as you looked around the room, after a while you were about to give up, not until you saw a glimmer of light coming from one of the corners of the room, the more you looked at it though the more your eye hurt. You didn't mind it at first cause you just wanted all of this to end, but the pain in your eye started to get worse. You couldn't take it anymore, you screamed out in pain as it wouldn't go away.

Little did you know your eye started glowing a navy blue, the pain started to slowly go away as you tried to get up, once you got up you looked around but you couldn't see the light. "I'm stuck here..." for whatever reason you decided to look into the mirror again.

Your eye started glowing again but you didn't feel any pain it just keep glowing until a white flash covering your entire sight, "Sending you back to the real world"

Real world? What does it mean by that, and in an instant you heard shouting. "MRS. JO AE-RA." You shot your head up, confused. "Well finally, is my class that boring or are you trying to disrespect me." You immediately shook your head "Sorry ma'am..." the teacher just gave you a look of disapproval as she went on with the lesson.

My ODD Eye [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now