ODD CHAPTER 4: Shadows

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"I shouldn't trust you, but I can't run from you."


Ae-ra woke up in an unfamiliar room, 'Ugh, my eye hurts again

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Ae-ra woke up in an unfamiliar room, 'Ugh, my eye hurts again...'

She got up and looked around noticing she wasn't in her bedroom, she was about to go exploring when she saw a familiar face lying on the floor. Ae-ra carefully approached the body and just before she could shake the body someone spoke. "Are you finally awake?"

Yeeun got up and stared at the older while tilting her head, Ae-ra was shocked to say for the least, who wouldn't? Ae-ra just shook it off and nodded at the younger, "Do you know where we are?"

Yeeun just got up and let out a big sigh, "It's a long story, but let's just say we're stuck here until one of us fixes something in our lives. It's to 'Help get our life together' or something of the sort." She gave Ae-ra her hand and started to speak again since she saw the older was all tensed up. "Chill out, although we're in a different universe I'm sure we can figure this out."

"You think so?" Ae-ra said grabbing Yeeun's hand and they made their way to the kitchen to eat and discuss what Yeeun heard while Ae-ra was knocked out.

"So, basically. The person said that we're stuck in this world until we resolve our problems, but! We can travel through universes if we manage to make our eye glow, which I'm still confused about. So anyways, there's a twist. If we travel between universes the day we travel is the same day that will repeat over and over again. So we have to be smart about when we want to travel and when we go back. Do you have any idea of why you're here?"

At that moment, Ae-ra thought long and hard about it, she had so many problems that she couldn't even think properly, she shook her head and kept eating.

Yeeun just nodded as she started to think as well. They soon finished eating and agreed to go explore just to get used to this place. After all they'll be stuck here for a long time.

Ae-ra and Yeeun started to go their own separate ways and explore all that they can in hopes to gather more information of what's going on and where they are.

Ae-ra was roaming around the house just to get familiar with it before she went out, after all it's going to be a while until they get out of here. Throughout Ae-ra's "adventure" she couldn't help but think all the way back, "Problems huh? I wonder which one that could be..."

Ae-ra continued her adventure outside, looking around it seemed like this new universe was a replica of the other in terms of appearance, the universe that Ae-ra was used to. But this one, this one had less people, 'Maybe they're all in the same situation as me." The girl thought to herself as she made her way past the house going into the unknown.

She only trusted that the people around the neighborhood wouldn't hurt her, but there was still a possibility so even though Ae-ra had no experience in fighting whatsoever she'd have to keep her guard up.

As she made it to the park it was starting to get dark, not a single person in sight, but it was fine since she was used to being alone. She looked around as she started to reminisce the times she and Sakura spent. 


Ae-ra and Sakura was walking around the park, the older was talking about games as Ae-ra just listened and held Sakura's hand.

"Which is unbelievable, Viper ult'd on A link then ran to heaven? Just wow." Ae-ra just giggled at the now infuriated Sakura talking about her last Valorant match. "Well, keep your guard up then." Ae-ra replied as they approached a bench.

"I'm getting tired" Ae-ra spoke up, sitting down on the bench as she rested her head on Sakura's shoulder. "Do you want to go back home?" Sakura asked the girl, brushing the hair off of her face. "No, lets stay like this for a little longer."


During her little trip down memory lane, Ae-ra felt an unknown eerie presence but she couldn't tell from where so she decided to shrug it off and take a rest by the bench.

During her rest she started to get the feeling she was being watched, 'I'm just scaring myself, just think happy thoughts Ae-ra.'

Her eyes were slowly starting to close, as the young girl was trying to keep herself awake she heard a voice.

"She doesn't love you anymore, don't you think it's time to let go?" the voice whispered to the girl, Pain and fear was starting to settle with the girl. "I'm.. trying."

"And this is your best? Pushing her and everyone away?" the voice was starting to mock her but all Ae-ra could do was listen as tears rolled down her face. "Did you really think they'll stay after everything you've done to them?"

Ae-ra opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out of her, her breath was starting to shorten, heart racing, tears fell out of her eyes. "Isn't it time to give up on her?" she insists. But something feels wrong, she was pretty sure that it was her voice speaking to her. This voice... It felt like it was filled with sadness and hatred, she could hear a voice that shared the same suffering Ae-ra had tried to face and overcome for many years.

"No, that's not how things work" her shadow argues back at her. The darkness that will constantly haunt and make Ae-ra go crazy, thinking that isn't perfect the way she is, that she will always be flawed in many ways. The darkness that engulfed the sweet and loving Ae-ra she once was, Ae-ra tightly grips her hand, nails digging into her palm as she bites her lip and lets out a shaky breath before looking directly at her shadow. Every step her shadow took a step, Ae-ra took a step back. "I don't have to listen to you." She mutters out to her shadow.

The shadow looks at Ae-ra and smirks, the shadow could see that Ae-ra was breaking inside, she could see the sadness and resentment in her eyes. "Whatever you want to believe. But best believe they already gave up on you." And in an instant Ae-ra saw the shadow disappear. She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

Ae-ra ran all the way back home, not daring to look back, she just wanted to get out of the park.

"You'll have to face the truth sooner or later..."


Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I was busy playing Valorant :D anyways have a good day everyone! 

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