Spring Break

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It was March 10th. 3 more days until Spring break I couldn't wait Claire & I were going to have so much fun we had been planning this since 6th grade. Claire & I had been best friends since forever. My mom always said that we always wanted to be together for every thing. I don't think that's a lie. 8th grade was almost coming to an end but we were gonna have fun. Wow almost highschoolers time flies. My mom doesn't really like any of my friends but she is okay with her. We live in Nebraska which I think its a great state but I hate when people think its just corn. Its more than that! Claire & I planned to go to California. I talked with my mom and hers & they thought it would be fun. We are leaving right after school on the 13th we are packing and leaving that same day. To be honest I didnt think my mom would let me go to California but then again she loves Claire. She even calls her her "third daughter." and Claire calls her mom.
I cant wait for California here we come.

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