I grabbed my phone & took a picture of claire,my sister, and me they did the same. we played would you rather & played music. Then I got an unexpected text.
#:hey i know we dont talk but i have feelings for you.😬
I showed my sister the text & then showed claire. Claire tooke my phone out of my hands and started texting back.
claire:who are you?
#:its a secret
claire:why did you tell us if it was a sectet?😒
#:whos us?
claire:claire & brayle
#:I was talking to Brayle tho..
claire:idc whatever you tell her you tell me.
He read it but didnt respond she got defensive but she is my home girl so its cool. After a couple hours we saw the sign that said
"come back soon nebraska." and it soon said "welcome to colorado." I didnt really acknowledge them I was left wondering who that anonymous person was who texted me we stopped at a gas station to get gas my sister,Claire, & I got off at the gas station to get food. I got starbucks vanilla frappuccino & hot cheetos. Claire got skittles & arizona.
My sister got cheese itz & starbucks.
We were feeling hungry at the time and we felt fat afterwards but it was worth it. Colorado was a really cool place I havent gone outside of Nebraska but its a fun experience we listened to music & stopped at a hotel to sleep the hotel was amazing.