Im not the type of person that complains about everything but the hotel didnt look that good at first. We got inside the hotel looked more decent then when we went it was amazing it was like a rich person place. They Even had a pool.
"Mom can I please go to claires room and ask if she want to go to the pool with me?" i asked
"Okay but i cant go with you im to tired." she said "ask carter." she added
*my sister*
"I ll take her I wanna go swimming too!" said carter
We grabbed our swim suits & texted her.
me:wanna go swimming with rosey and I ? *nickname for carter her middle name is rose*
Claire👯❤️:duh lets go!!
We took the elevator down and luck for us there was no one at the pool which was kind of selfish to say but we can be wierdos with out being looked at funny.
An hour later we got cold and left we got chips from the vending machine and as we headed to the elevator I got a text.
mommy😘:i am in the cafeteria with
claires mom :)
we headed straight in the cafeteria and we sat down.
"how was the pool." our moms asked
"It was really fun what time do we get up to keep driving?" claire asked
"5:30" my mom said
"its 9 we are gonna go shower and come back down stairs okay?" Carter said
"oh we were about to leave." claires mom said
"oh then lets go back." carter responded.