She Doesn't Like Roses

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Today I found out that Josie doesn't like Roses... Once upon a time Josie loved them more then anything in the world. When we first started dating Josie and I would consistently watch beauty and the beast which was her all time favorite movie. She'd love to sing along, or tell me about her favorite parts, and some fun facts about the movie even if we watched it thousands of times. Still it made her... happy. Josie loved the rose that was in the glass case. She thought it was the most beautiful rose in the world.

A simple rose held the entire fate of the beast. Find love or be cursed. Cursed by an enchantress because he had no love within his heart. The fearful spell can only be broken when he truly learns to love- and can earn the love of another. Can I make Josie fall back in love with me and the roses she once loved?

Hope looked down at her sketch book re-reading what she had wrote. She couldn't help but smile at the thought of them being like Josies favorite movie. It was almost comical in someway, but the longer Hope thought about, the more she started to actually realize.

"Baby?" Hope said looking up from her book towards Josie who was looking at the bookshelf trying to find a book to read.

"Yes my love" she said not taking her eyes of the tall shelves.

"You're favorite movie... is it still Beaty and the beast" Hope asked sitting up from where she was laying on the long couch.

"Of course" Josie laughed a bit turning to her girlfriend smiling.

"Can I ask... why?" Hope rested her forearms on the head of the couch looking at Josie. Josie took a deep breath in thought before walking over towards Hope.

"Because it reminds me of us" she stated matter-of- factly. She sat on the couch laying down on the opposite side of her girlfriend, back pressed on the arm of the couch.

"Can I ask, how?" Hope said softly almost frighten to raise her voice. She didn't trust her voice anymore after what happened at breakfast.

"Mmmmm" Josie hummed pressing her lips into a thin line.


"Josie... Jo... earth to Josie... JOSETTE" Josie was finally snapped out of her thoughts when she heard her twin calling her by her first name. She notice her sister look pass her and focus her attention outside the window looking at whatever it was Josie was to busy staring at. The blond raised a brow when she saw none other then Hope Mikaelson outside talking to a group of classmates by the courtyard. The group were to busy smoking weed, laughing at whatever they were joking about to notice the two girls staring.

Josie just shook her head and continued to look over her homework before the bell rang, and class started.

"How many times do I have to tell you. Stay away from Hope Mikaelson" Lizzie rolled her eyes sitting back down next to her sister.

"Why, you two are like best friends" Josie said annoyed and confused.

"Exactly. I'm trying to spare you the heartbreak. Mikaelson doesn't do relationship. She has a motto"

"Motto?" Josie asked raising a brow.

"No feeling, no strings attached. In other words, just a hook up" Lizzie scoffed shaking her head. She hated her friends fuckgirl ways. Scratch that, Lizzie hated hopes fuckgirl ways when she tried them on Josie. Lizzie didn't care who Hope hooked up with, as long as she knew full well that Josie was off limits, still it didn't prevent the blue eyed girl from trying.

"So she just sleeps with them and-"

"Quick fuck, and they won't ever get a call or text back. But it's all good because that what she wants, hence her motto." Lizzie cut her sister off slouching down in her desk chair resting her eyes for a bit.

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