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Hope and Josie jumped at the sound of Lizzie's voice. Both were shocked, confused as to why the blond twin came all this way. It's only been a week, and suddenly Lizzie decided to join them. Hope tensed at the thought of Lizzie actually being there to kill her. She obviously, finished her murder scheme and was finally going to put it into action.

"What's your sister doing here?" Hope whispered, turning to face Josie. Annoyed with Hope, Josies just rolled her eyes getting out of the bed. She was already all hot and bothered and now with Lizzie, there was nothing she could do to calm her urges. Hope saw Josie walk into the bathroom, seconds later hearing the water running. She debated on getting in the shower with Josie and finishing what they started but that was throw out the window when she heard lizzies booming voice once more.

"HEY! DID YOU NOT HERE ME. I AM BACK TO BLESS YOU WITH MY PRESENCE!" Lizzie stomped her way up stairs trying to find where the two love birds made their nest.

"No one gives a fuck!" Hope yelled. Lizzie finally managing to track down the voice and burst into the bedroom with a wide grin on her face. Hope groaned and slouched back onto the bed. She felt a sudden weight when Lizzie jumped on her. It wasn't long before Hope pushed Lizzie off the bed.

"And my sister?" Lizzie said finally calming down of her laughing fit. She got off the floor and sat herself back onto the bed watching as Hope adjusted herself.

"Shower, she's a little annoyed you ruined her moment" Hope answered honestly. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes as her body became relaxed.

"Penny for thought?" Lizzie asked.

"Make it a quarter and I'll consider it"

"How are things here? Fights? Arguments? Make up sex, break ups?"

"Josie and I... we had moments, but they were mainly cause of me. But lately, I don't know. I have been letting Josie into all of my thoughts. Telling her what I'm feeling and thinking and we've actually been talking. Working things out." Hope smiled keeping her eyes shut. She knew once she opened them and saw the blond twin in front of her, the waves of emotions would crash down.

"Okay, that's good. I'm glad to hear it. Glad this newfound relaxation is working" Lizzie gave a smug look. Hope didn't say anything this time. It only made Lizzie grin wider. She never seen her best friend and burrito binging buddy this... relaxed and happy. Without Josie glue to her hip.

"Lizzie, why don't you go read a celebrity magazine to satisfy your need for gossip instead of prying into my relationship" Hope finally opened her eyes leaning forward. Scratching the bedsheets trying to keep herself focused on something else.

"I pry because I care. For my sister and for you. But there's another reason I came" Lizzie turned her head in front of her, facing the bathroom. The two stayed quiet continuing to hear the running water and Josies soft singing. "Are things getting serious. Like fixed"

Hope didn't want to have this conversation. Didn't want to confront the unwanted reality staring her down that it might be to early to tell. "They're not fixed yet. But there is progress. Maybe. I don't know. Every time we are fine and happy, I fuck it up."

"How many times do you have to get hit with a stupid-stick to finally realize, that Josie isn't the kind of girl you toss aside just because you have issues. She's the kind of woman you work like hell to fix those issues for. Listen bitch, you had committed issues. You never hooked up with someone more then once and you sure as hell never dated anyone after that thrift store hobbit. And now you've been in a committed 3 YEAR RELATIONSHIP DUMBASS" Lizzie smacked Hope with a pillow a few times before she took it away and threw it into the corner of the room.

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