Something In You

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Before The Incident

Waking up, Josie never felt as cold as she did. Though the thick blankets were around her, she was missing one key part of her warmth. Hope.

Looking around the barley dim room Josie couldn't seem to spot Hope anywhere. Even her clothes were gone, while hers was neatly folded on the couch.

"Did she go to the school" Josie said, reaching out her hand, grabbing her clothes. She took one more look around before removing the blankets and began to get dress.

As soon as she slid her shirt over her head she smelled it.

The smell was uncanny.


Josie quickly rushed outside seeing Landon with a few gas gallons, pouring all around the wooden shed.

"What the fuck are you doing here" Josie shouted.

"Well if it isn't the little whore. Pity kinda wished you stayed sleeping" Landon chuckled not moving his eyes from the shed. "Didn't think I'd be getting my hands dirty, but once your body is burning it will remove any trace of me"

"Wow, you've really gone mental." Josie said, trying hard not show how scared she really was. Though her feet were trembling she didn't dare to take a step forward.

"Oh, I've gone mental. You have no idea what I'm capable of. I've heard about you Josette. Penelope told me you were such a pacifist." Landon raises a brow, finally making eye contact with Josie. He let out another soft chuckle, throwing the red gas container behind him. He gave Josie a contemptuous smile. "How far will you actually go to save her? Go ahead. Try to injure me, harm me"

"Dont dare me. Last time I gave you a mouth full of fist" Josie snarled.

"You know I miss her" Landon took a breath. "Miss the sex, miss the way she followed my demands. She was obsessive for me. Did everything I told her. The look on her face when I broke her little heart. She was fun to play with"

"She isn't some toy, asshat. You broke my girlfriend, hurt the love of my life. And I swear if you do anything to her I'll kill you. And don't think I won't get away with it because I know people that can dispose of a body and make it look like an accident"

Landon took a lighter out of his pocket, playing around with it, almost taunting Josie. Josie couldn't careless if he set the place on fire. Along as hope stayed where she was at, she would be safe.

"You're seriously going to burn something down because you're mad Hope finally moved on. Because she doesn't need nor want you anymore. Wow you really are a narcissistic asshole aren't you" Josie said taking a step closer to Landon, going unnoticed.

"You know what I would really like right about now"

"I don't know friends" Josie shrugged. Distracting Landon was the only option. Trying to get him away from the old mill, or to put down the lit lighter. Something, anything.

"Seeing Hopes face when she sees your body in that fire. Dont take it personally, but I just love watching Hope suffer... but then again, I would love to see what you'd look like. Maybe I should take Hope in front of you. Pay you back for humiliating me"

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