Love Triangle Pt2

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"That'll be two dollars," said MJ to a couple standing in front of the desk she was sitting at.

They paid the money, and MJ gave them each some sort of ticket before they walked off giggling.

Peter walked up to her in confusion. "Uhhh... what's going on?"

Harry popped out of a nearby classroom, and walked over to the pair, sighing dramatically. "Petey, Petey, Petey. If you actually came to school on time, you would be able to listen to the announcements."

Peter continued to look at Harry as if he'd just said global warming was caused by evil marshmallows.

Harry threw his arms in the air in exasperation. "The winter dance is tomorrow, idiot!"

"Ohhhhh," Peter nodded, "you could've just said that the first time."

Flash Thompson walked up to MJ, and leaned on the locker beside her on one elbow. "Hey beautiful," he said flirtatiously, giving her a wink.

Both Peter and Harry bristled visibly. MJ was like a sister to Peter, and a bit more than that to Harry.

MJ glared at Flash, before saying, "If you're going to ask me out to the dance, save it. I'm not interested in a douchebag like you. So beat it, you two-timer."

She said the with an increased amount of vehemence, causing Flash to practically run away in fear of being maimed by her.

Peter looked at MJ with reverence. "You are the definition of amazing."

MJ grinned, then flipped her hair over her shoulder. "It's a gift, dahling."

*At lunch*

Sam tapped Peter on the shoulder. "Hey dude, can you help me study for the science test after school?"

Peter gave him a fist bump. "Sure."

*After school*

When Peter got to his locker, he noticed Danny standing beside it. He waved, then ducked his head shyly.

Peter opened his locker, then asked, "What's up?"

Danny tucked a lock of his golden blond hair behind his ear.

"Did you hear about the school dance?" he asked.

Peter felt his heart skip a few beats. "Y-yeah. Are you going?"

Danny bit his lip nervously. "I was wondering if you wanted to go with me. As my date, I mean."

Peter blushed pink. "Yeah, I'd really like that. I was kind of hoping you'd ask me," he said shyly.

Danny beamed. "I'll hold onto our tickets." He held up two dandelion coloured tickets that Peter recognized as the ones MJ had been selling that morning.

Peter smiled, then after a moment of hesitation, brushed a feather light kiss to his cheek. "Thanks," he murmured, before heading out the door for his study session with Sam.

Danny dazedly touched his cheek, and sighed.

Luke turned the corner and waved a hand in front of his face.

"Hellooo, Earth to Iron Fist."

Danny rolled his eyes.

"Sam, just ask him. If he isn't into guys, then it's not like you're missing out on anything, there are other fish in the sea," assured Ava.

Sam thought about this for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, makes sense."

"Hey Webs-for-brains."

"Hey Buckethead."

Peter sat down with a goofy smile on his face.

Sam raised an eyebrow. "What's with the smile?" he asked.

Peter gave the shorter boy a playful punch in the shoulder. "No reason."

*After an hour of studying*

Sam decided to cut to the chase and ask "Hey, do you have a date to the dance yet?"

Blushing, our favourite protagonist answered "Yep."

Peter's phone rang, the caller ID showing MJ.

"Give me a moment, I gotta take this."

Sam nodded, trying to ignore his sinking heart. Of course Peter was going with MJ, they'd been friends ever since they were kids.

Suddenly, his SHIELD communicator rang, jarring Sam out of his disappointment.

He heard Peter make up some excuse about the line being shaky, before hanging up and racing to put on his suit.

They'd all agreed to meet up at Peter's house, mainly because Aunt May insisted on taking their pictures.

Ava and Sam didn't have dates for the dance (Sam didn't get the one he wanted, as we all read, and Ava said that all the guys at the school were idiots).

MJ walked in, looking absolutely stunning. "Hey tigers. Where's everyone else?"

"Not here yet, except for Peter, he's upstairs," said Sam in a gloomy voice, feeling upset that he couldn't go to the dance with Peter.

MJ nodded. "Do you guys have dates?"

Both of them shook their heads.

"Do you?" Ava asked.

MJ grinned then nodded.

Without warning, Harry sneaked up behind MJ and dipped her for a passionate kiss.

"Haaar," giggled MJ.

Ava and Sam just stared at them, jaws practically on the ground. "You two are going together?" asked Sam in disbelief.

Harry nodded.

At that moment, Luke walked in with Jessica Jones, a feisty girl from their school who nodded at Ava and MJ, then flipped the other boys off.

Luke looked at her as if she was gold personified.

Danny also walked into the room, carrying a single blue carnation.

At that moment, Peter walked down the stairs, wearing a navy blue suit, his hair combed elegantly, for once in his life.

It was hard to say who was more shocked when Danny handed Peter the flower, then gently kissed the back of his hand.

Luke: FINALLY. The endless pining was so annoying. I'm still giving Peter the shovel talk later though.

MJ: Peter's into guys??? Wow, way to come out of the closet, tiger.

Harry: Aww, that's cute. But if Rand ever hurts Pete, I will break him.

Ava: How did I miss this? Sam must feel terrible.

Jessica: Damn Daniel.

Sam: Wow, Peter likes guys, but Danny asked him first??? Great, now the one guy I've ever had a crush on is taken.

Peter and Danny exchanged shy smiles as they stepped into the limo that Harry had booked for that evening.

~The End (of this Two-Shot)~

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