The Final Chapter

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A/N: Props to all of you who took the time to read this one-shot collection! Spidey's adventures will continue, in my next story, Spider-Man Noir: Monochrome. Please leave comments, votes, and feedback! Sending love and wishing you all a safe, sweet, and healthy spring.

Spider-Man @SSS
70K subscribers


"I am Spider-Man."

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*Starts off with a blank white background.*

Spider-Man drags a chair to the center of the screen, turns it around, and sits on it backwards.

"So. You found this video. You're probably wondering. What next?"

Spider-Man kicks the chair to the side, and does a backflip.

*The scene switches to Spider-Man's silhouette against the sun.*

"When I first became Spider-Man, I only wanted revenge against the person who murdered one of the most important people in my life."

*Scene switches to a group photo with a bunch of vigilantes*

"With great power, must also come great responsibility. Those are the words I'll never forget, no matter what. I've learned so much and come so far since my early days as a vigilante."

*The scene switches to Spider-Man 's silhouette against the sun.*

"This isn't the end. It's only the beginning."

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