Chapter 4

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I'm as nowhere as I can be,

Could you add some somewhere to me? 

~The Avett Brothers, "Salina"


I woke up the next morning, or should I say later that morning since I hadn't gotten home until after midnight, to my alarm clock and groaned. I never stayed up that late. I usually went to bed early because my grandparents always went to bed early. The only thing that ever kept me up was reading or writing. 

I couldn't stay in bed, though. My interview with Jax was at lunch and I needed to prepare.

I spent the morning delving into rap since I really didn't know much about the genre of music. I looked into its history and was surprised with how interesting the history of rap was, although I shouldn't have been surprised; Every single style of writing had its own unique past that got it to where it was today. I even looked into the biggest names in rap music today and listened to a couple songs. Then I prepared my questions I wanted to ask Jax. Mainly, I was so curious how he got into wrapping, and even more so, how he did what he did. 

"I'm heading out for lunch," I said to my grandparents as I walked into the living room a couple hours later.

My grandmother was looking around on the couch with a frown on her face. "I can't find my... my..." she repeated as she looked around. I walked over and found her knitting needles hiding under the couch cushions and gave them to her. 

"Thanks," she said, looking relieved, but then her smile disappeared as she stared at the knitting needles and the dishcloth she had started working on like she wasn't sure what to do. I took her hand and guided the knitting needle to the dishcloth and helped her get started. She shook her head and then looked like she finally remembered. 

"There you go," I said as she started. I looked at gramps to see him watch gram, and then he looked up to me and gave a small, sad smile.

"We might still be out when you get back," my gramps said to me.

"Shoot," I said, remembering Gram had a physio appointment. She had them every other Saturday and I usually went with her, but I had been so caught up in this assignment this morning I forgot.

"Sweetie, it's fine," he said as I walked over to gram on the couch and gave her a hug, and then gramps.

"Keep me updated," I said quietly to gramps. "I'll see you later," I said to them and left.

I got in my car and drove towards the address Jax had given me for a deli down by the shipyard. As you got towards this side of the city, the buildings started to look a little more rundown and the houses got smaller.

I pulled into the parking lot outside the deli and saw Jax leaning up against the building waiting. He had on navy blue work pants and a grey button up collared shirt with the logo for the shipyard on it. He must have worked there.

As I got out of my car and started to walk towards him, I remembered why I had been so nervous around him last night. He was hot. Just like Ana had said last night, he had this bad boy look about him. Even though he was wearing these work clothes instead of the clothes he wore last night, somehow he still looked really, really good in them.

He noticed me walking to him and stood up.

"Hi," I said. He just nodded his head and turned to walk inside. I followed him, but was feeling like this was a huge mistake. He obviously didn't want to be here with me. I had pretty much forced him to do this. I felt good that I was at least buying him lunch for the inconvenience I was causing him.

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