Igneel and Happy, but he is not happy Part 6

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huii, so sorry i have not added to this but.... I GET TOO MANY IDEAS!!!!!! t^t before i was just gonna make this short and sweet, lucy has singing powers, has to reveal them along with bad memories, natsu helps her yada yada, but now i reaaally wanna add it so that she has animal insticts, like where someguy comes and RE-awakens (hint, re) her animal insticts and she cant talk ecsepl for in chirps, yips, grows and barks, and natsu can kinda undarstand her and she has ears and stuff and - T^T so yea, im having a hard time getting all the way into this so i might make a book 2... maybe but dont worry, this is one book i will finish, ... might take a while though, heh


3p Pov

Igneel felt really bad for 2 reasons.

1: his son had just looked so mad and ... sad... at him, because of him, before leaving.

He knew he deserved, Oh he knew he deseved to be beaten up to a pulp, but it still hurt to know it was his fault his son was guilty and sad

2: he had hurt that 'Lucy' girl.

This one hurt more. He could tell that she had had some bad memories from using her talent, he should have realised it when she had said she hid how she sang, but he didn't. He should have stopped, he should have said something, he should have done something!


But he didn't.

He had only been trying to judge his sons future (A/N it took like 10 trys to spell this right...) mate based on her talent.

He knew that they would be mates, it was obvious! 

But for dragons, they normaly had a member of their blood pack* (A/N imma gonna use a buncha weird words that kinda sound like dragon terms, but ill translate them at the end of this chappy, so look out for the stars *) come and test the mate to see if they were fit to be equal. Normally the male would be tested on how he would help his drakaina** and the female would be tested on her talent to see if she had enough to keep other un-mated heat*** drakainas from her drake****. He had been planing on testing her to check that and then he was going to check natsu considering she had no blood familly left, but now he saw just how much he had screwed up.

She didnt know about the mating trial, and even if she had he had just forced her to do something that obviously had bad memories, and then he didn't even apoligise!

He sighed

"I was an idiot"

And with that he flew up over the tree-tops, intending to find her and apoligise, and sniffed her out

Or, tried to.

he could smell his son and the blue cat but he couldn't smell 'Lucy'

A bolt of fear hit him hard in the heart, and, after a moment of panic,  he chose to follow the blue cat... Happy.

Soon he came up behind the cat as he flew across the forest floor.

"Happy"he said, making the exceed freeze for a second before turning to face him

His face was angry but not afraid... 'Huh, I wonder why' Igneel thought idily

"What." Happy asked in a mad yet kinda calm voice, not murderous calm but -trying-to-listen-to-someone-who-you-kinda-wanna-punch calm

"I can't smell Lucy, is she alright?" he asked 

"Why should I tell you, for all I know your gonna go over there and hurt her some-more"

Igneel deflated before sighing and explaining why he had made her sing

By then end of it Happy nodded and said

 "Ok, so you may have had a good reason, but you should have explained at least some of this to lushii before making her sing"

Igneel blinked

"you're not suprised that they're mates?"

happy shook his head and flew up to the dragons head before peting him and saying

"... Dude, You're an idiot"

Igneel started to sputter at that but Happy just contiued

"EVERYONE knows those two love each other, I mean, Natsu sleeps in her bed every night- "WHAT!?!" Igneel cried out but Happy ignored him "and Lushii reaally trusts Natsu, like a LOT. I mean, after knowing him for like 2 weeks she jumped of a giant tower to get away from some-guy cuz she herd Natsu in the distance... and a lot more. Natsu saves her everytime though... They looove each other, a lot"

Igneel was still sputering at the new info

 'He  sleeps with her?!? And the girl is plain crazy, falling off a tower!!! And there was more!!!!' Igneel thought

Then Igneel  shook of his shock, before saying

"But back to Lucy, what is wrong with her sent? I can't smell her one bit."

Happy sighed and said "whenever Lushii crs It gets a lot harder to find her"

"what do you mean?"

"Lushii... she hasn't had friends for a long time.  Her mom was amazing to her, always kind and happy and stuff, but she died when Lushii turned 6. Then her father started ignoring her, being mean and cruel to her. Then, lushii's only friends were the servents of the house, but after a bit her father found out and she couldn't talk to them again. She had no friends, no real familly. The only people she had were her spirts but even though she had them she couldn't summon them properly, and every time she did summon them at all she got in big trouble. I don't know what happened to make the servents stop talking to her, Or what happened to her when she got in trouble, but I know it was bad. That's all Lushii would tell us about it. Then, her father told her she had to get married to a man he chose, one that lushi had never even met! So she ran away. We don't know how long she was on the run but eventually me and Natsu found her and brought her to the guild. Now though, when Lushii feels sad, something happens and she becomes almost impossible to find. Once we asked Lushii 'bout it and she said that "Being alone for so long made me one of its favorite friends, ad no one likes to let go of friends" and then she walked off. We didn't ask again, it made her sad. Natsu is the only one who can find her fast when it happens though."


"Aye, I know" Happy said sadly

"But Natsu always cheers her up" Happy said happily

Then, the sun started to rise

They had been flying and talking all night?

They both blinked a bit before looking at each other and coming to an agreement

'Talk later, find those two now'

And with that they both started flying, Happy following Igneel and Igneel following Natsu's sent


k, hope that was ok, pls let me know about any spelling mistakes that are not inside A/N's

blood pack*=  your blood-related familly

drakaina **= femal dragon 

  un-mated heat***= a dragon thats in heat (if u dont know what that means... go read some mating season fics) who is not yet mated

 drake****= male dragon

man, this had over a thousand words... LONGEST CHAPPY YET! hope u guys liek it... also sorry about igneel being kindof mean in the first bit, but it was needed, promise. also im fixing it now ;)

Natsu, Igneel and Lucy, WHO CAN SING*NaLu Short Story*Where stories live. Discover now