Chapter One

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Allen hummed absentmindedly as he moved the apple he had in his hand left to right, inspecting it for any bruising, the market was packed today, people were hustling around him having places to be and things to get done before the day finishes.

He had a few errands to run today, and he figured he'll get it done and over with since his husband was at his father in law's and his kids were at school.
Peace and quiet time was always something he cherished in his little family.

Moving on, the little shopping basket held in his hand firmly, Allen moved like water through the masses.
It's been a while since he's been turned and to say he took to it like a fish to water would be an understatement.

His dads were also turned by his Father in law, Neah wanted to stay with him forever despite him being older now, married and with two kids.
Matter of fact his friends and family all wanted to stay with him,  so much that Wisely himself was turned, it was nice to have supportive family, even if all cousin's do is tease the hell out of you.

Once he had gotten everything he came for, Allen high jacked it to his car to make the next stop at the supermarket.
Hmm, today he might make some hamburger steak, that sounds good for dinner this evening.

His cell suddenly started ringing,  startling him out of the little trance he put himself in. Quickly sliding the accept icon to the side and hitting it speaker button, Allen focused on the road as he answered.


"Papa!." Ikumi voice cheered through the phone, bring a smile to his lips.

"Aren't you supposed to be in class right now love?.".

"Yes, but we're on lunch right now and I miss you." He whined.

"I miss you to, love. Where's your brother?." His eyes found the supermarket he was aiming for and Allen quickly pulled in to get a park.

"Taku is right here, hold on!." There was sounds of clothes rustling,  a grunt of pain and snickering before Allen's son answered the phone.

"Hi, Papa. " Takumi sighed into the phone, most likely being used as a cushion by his brother right now.

Allen unbuckled his seatbelt, made sure his wallet was in his pocket before he grabbed his phone off the little stand he had on the dashboard and turned off the speaker before bringing it to his ear.

"Hi, Baby." He smiled as Takumi whined in his ear, knowing that his son merely did that automatically now, both his kids melt at the pet names he calls them.
"How is school?."

"Boring.." Typical sixteen year old answer
"There's a new kid in our class, he's some rich guy who thinks we're all beneath him."

"Wow, sucked at first impression huh?." Allen snickered, walking through the automatic doors, hearing the familiar beeps of the scanner as he passed through.

"If." Takumi snorted. "Ethan wanted to punch the guy as soon as he opened his mouth, he's irritating...."
After a pause he asked.
" Can I bite him, like real quick?."

That made Allen huff out a laugh, pulling the rolling basket behind him as he walked down the aisle that had all the spices he needed.
"No biting, baby.  What would daddy say?."

"Bite them." Takumi mumbled, Allen didnt miss  the amused smug tone he used. Nor did he miss Ikumi snickering in the background.

Allen end up Rolling his eyes.. because honestly sometimes his husband is a case of his own.
"Your daddy is a hot head that needs to cool down. "

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