Chapter Fourteen

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Bailey went completely still. Slowly comprehending what he had just said her. Many emotions crossed her features and she made sure that she did not meet Bes' gaze as her eyes remained fixated to her plate.

Her already pale face turned another shade of white as she eventually turned her gaze to him, and he didn't need to hear her response to know what her answer was.


His mouth actually dropped open in surprise by her response. No woman had ever refused him of anything. Reminding himself that this woman was not like any woman that he ever encountered he was going to try his hardest to win her affections.

Leaning back in his seat his own gaze turned into a glare as he stared at her. "Why do you continue to disobey me?"

Abruptly, Bailey stood up, shaking her head. "Disobey you? Were you not paying attention, Bes? I could very well damage the events that were supposed to take place in this time. Do you not understand that? And what about the people in my time? If I said yes then I could very well be putting them in danger."

"And how do you know that the result of your decision would result in catastrophe?" He asked, standing up himself, his brows rising in turn.

"Oh, I suppose you know it won't?"

"No." He admitted quickly. "I do not. However, I am Pharaoh, ruler of all living things and I can and will have whatever I please."

"Don't be such an arrogant prick, Bes!" She hissed angrily. "Stop believing that you are higher than everyone else, because seriously? You walk, talk, breath, eat, sleep, and shit just like the rest of us. No matter what you think, you are no more special that your servants or royal court members."

She could almost have screamed at him when the corners of his lips turned upwards into a smirk. He didn't give a shit if anyone's lives were in jeopardy as long as he got whatever he wanted. And, if he didn't, they would pay the price.

What could she do to get that fact through his thick skull?

Her once pale face flushed from her anger and Bes felt slightly more attracted to her. There was something about her anger that made her face glow even more.

"We cannot change what was supposed to happen, Bes. It isn't something that should be trifled with. I—" She said after a long silence between them. She sighed, shaking her head as she turned her back to him, bowing her head as she continued, her voice filled with defeat. "No one should get hurt because of me, Bes."

Bes wanted to anger her even more, but the look on her face when she turned back around or even the unshed tears that were threatening to fall made him reconsider his words. His shoulders sagging, Bes watched as Bailey left him there, speechless and unable to figure out on what to say.

Sitting heavily back down, he sighed, leaning his elbows on the table, and rubbing his face with his hands in frustration. Did she believe that one small word could drastically change the future or was she just saying that to excuse herself from such duties?

He clenched his eyes shut, trying to rid himself of the saddened look Bailey had given him just a moment ago and growled. He felt defeated, angry, and somewhat regretted even bringing the subject up.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw two of his guards glancing over at him with curious gazes. Either they were wondering what had taken place between the two, though he was certain that the entire Kingdom could hear her voice, or were they wondering whether they should go and retrieve her from wherever it was that she had decided to go.

All, if they were intelligent enough, knew better than to try and escape the palace. Not unless they wanted to visit the afterlife sooner. This behaviour of hers was not going to go unpunished. He knew that he shouldn't allow her to disrespect him in such a way that would have resulted in any other being punished or executed.

He just could not bring himself to do such.

Crying out in anger, he slammed his fists down upon the table, ignoring the pain that shot up both his wrists. Ever since that woman had been brought to these lands by the Gods he had become even more lenient with punishments. If he was aware of his actions, who was to say that the neighbouring Kingdoms weren't aware of it as well, that they weren't ready to send as many men as they can to take over his Kingdom.

He would not allow that to happen. He had worked hard to retain his reputation and he was damned if a mere woman was going to change his mind any. Standing tall, his mind set, he strode out of the gardens, making his way to Bailey's bed-chambers with haste.

She was going to be his Queen. Whether she liked the idea or not she would be. The Gods had brought her there for a reason, and as Pharaoh, he was going to make sure their gift wasn't going to go without it being used in some way.

If she favoured her life she would agree. He was not going to take a no for an answer.

Flinging open the doors to the room he found it empty of any save himself. Walking over to the balcony, he peered over, searching for her below. To his right, located beside the gardens was the pool, and sitting on the edge was Bailey.

Removing himself from her room he headed down the same corridor that had led both him and Bailey to the gardens and instead of taking a left, he took a right, following the small path that would lead him to the pool.

Bailey knew that someone was behind her when footsteps padded against the stone walkway. Standing up, she was surprised to see Bes. She, however, did not like the determined and angry look in his eyes when he grabbed her angrily by the injured wrist. She yelped in both surprise and pain at the jolt that the movement caused.

"Let go of me!" She whimpered. "You're hurting me, Bes."

His first thought was to squeeze tighter, but the pained look in her eyes, caused him to loosen up his grip on her. And, before she could ask what was going on, Bailey was caught off guard as she felt his lips crash into hers, forcing her to comply with his demands as he grabbed her other arm and pulled him flush against her.

When he pulled away they were both breathing heavily. His eyes, she noticed, were dark with want. After he regained some of his composure he spoke. "You will marry me. You will not say no again, is that understood?"

Bailey's next move was a bold one as she hauled back and slapped him. Hard. The resounding crack, she swore, could've probably been heard from everyone in the small area. Her face was red, her lips swollen from his kiss and she was angry. Oh, God was she ever pissed. She had never felt so insulted. So violated before.

"How dare you!" Her voice cracked with surprise, anger, pain, and something else that Bes could not decipher. "I swear that if you ever attempt to do that without my permission I will take great pleasure in making sure that you will never father children."

As he took a step forward, she took a step back, but she stopped as she was located just along the edge of the pool. One step and she would go over. "Woman, you do not give orders to me. I am the one who gives the orders. The decision has been made. We shall marry by the time the full moon rises. I am Pharaoh. A God in these lands and my word is the law. Your refusal will end in your demise."

She wanted to protest, he could see it within her gaze, but she knew that he meant what he had said and if she did not obey she was all but certain to never see her home, the rest of her family and friends ever again.

She tried to reason with him. "I cannot get involved. I told you this. Everything that I hold dear, everything that you hold dear could be in danger if I do anything that changes everything here."

His voice was loud and his tone told her that he would hear no further argument on the matter. "I could care less about the petty people in your future."

It was as if a bullet had pierced her heart as those cold words rang in her ears. The strong wall that she had shown to him the first few weeks of her stay was slowly breaking down with her resolve slowly peeking out through those cracks. She swallowed hard. "If something happens that shouldn't have, in this time or my own, I will hold you personally responsible. And if there is ever a way for me to return home consider me gone."

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