Scira 16

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Scott caresses Kira's cheek gently and she stirs. She open her eyes to see Scott looking at her concerned filled his eyes. "Scott?" her voice came out raspy. He grab a glass of water and give it to her. Noshiko walks in and immediately was her side. "You scared me Kira. Don't do this again?" She hugs her. "Do what?" Kira asks confused. Noshiko let go her daughter and look at her like she had grown pair of horns. But the genuine confused face of Kira make her think other wise. "You don't remember anything, don't you?" Noshiko asks. "Remember what?" Kira asks back. Noshiko look at Scott who silently watches. Ken came in speaking "Sheriff say fortunately there was no murder reported. Kira didn't do-" he stops when he saw his daughter awake and look at him with an unreadable emotion. Kira look down , trying to not cry. Does her family thinks every time she goes missing, she must have killed someone. Does her whole life going to be this way. They get worry and be suspicious of her? Kira's heart breaks with that thought. More reason for her to take up Talia's solution for this problem. Yes Kira remember every single thing but she don't want her family to know what she up to. Kira determined with her decision. No one can stop her, not even Scott. Kira look at him with a small smile.

Scott spend few hours with her before he left to home. Kira had her dinner and sat down to hunt this potion Talia told her about. Sure she can find it some ancient shop around here. This is Beacon Hills after all, there is always some surprises it kept secret. Her eyes skims through the contents pops out in her search engine. She halts at a page that similar to what she trying to find. For once Kira didn't feel completely happy about she successfully find what she wants. Because she knows what she so about to do. The price she wants to pay for something wasn't her fault to begin with them. She was terrified when she learn about herself then she get accustomed to it and use the power to protect her friends and innocent. Those days were great part of her life. Those very part make her come across Scott, the love of her life. Scott McCall, she have no words about how much she loves him. He made her feel special in many ways. He understands and helped her a lot. Kira have no idea how Scott would react to what she is about to do. Will he leave her when she is not Kitsune anymore? Will he hate her for doing something like this? A lot of questions were in her mind but she already made up what she wants. If her decision ensure safety of people around her , she will be more happy about it than anything. Kira write down the address of the shop and close the laptop before went to sleep.

Next day everything was normal. Kira had her breakfast with her parents. Laughing to Ken's jokes , her mom rolling her eyes here and there when her parents bickers sweetly. After that she did call Julian and ask about him and his pack. Julian find it strange but she lies to him that she was bored and need someone to talk to. In truth Kira trying to make best of the remaining time she have , incase. She called Lydia and Malia to hangout for while to which they agreed happily. They were very supportive of her. They had fun watching some girly cliché movie even after Malia protest in the beginning. Time moves fast, night falls. She gets to meet Stiles when he came to pick Lydia and Malia to home. Kira take a deep breath before she dials Scott to ask if he can spend the night with her. "Hey, is everything okay?" he ask, worries laced his voice. Kira chuckles "Everything is good Scott. Wait.. hmmm It can get perfect if I get to meet you tonight?" She cringe mentally at her poor flirt. "Now I'm really concerned about you. Kira, trying to flirt. that's something new." Scott jokes. "Come on, I am trying to be normal for once. Its boring actually" She pouts. "I will be there in 5" Scott hang up and like he said next five minutes he reach Kira's house.

Scott plays with Kira's hair , as she lay her head on his chest, tracing his abs with her fingers.



"If I was a human and not supernatural like you, would you still liked me?"

"uh.. I like you for you Kira, not because your different like me. I liked you since the day I saw you in the class when your dad embarrassed you in front the entire class. You were something."

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